Top 10 most-Googled health questions

Navigating health information online can be overwhelming. This article explores the answers to the most-Googled health questions asked during 2023 and 2024.
Are you curious to know what everyone is asking “Dr. Google?” In no particular order, let’s find out.
How can I lower my blood pressure? Lowering blood pressure involves dietary changes, regular exercise, stress management, and possibly medication.
Adopting a balanced diet rich in leafy vegetables, berries and healthy fats while reducing sugar intake is essential. Exercise regularly and manage stress through activities like yoga or meditation. Consult a doctor if lifestyle changes are insufficient.
What is keto? The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that shifts the body from burning glucose to burning fat. It aids in rapid weight loss and stabilizing blood sugar levels, but may raise cholesterol levels in some individuals. Additionally, many proponents of keto report increased energy levels and improved mental clarity.
With proper planning and monitoring, the keto diet can be a sustainable and effective approach to long-term health and wellness.
How to get rid of hiccups? Methods to stop hiccups include breath holding, drinking cold water quickly, and gargling. Persistent hiccups lasting over 48 hours may indicate an underlying health issue or medication reaction.
How long does the flu last? Flu symptoms typically last 3 to 7 days, with cough and fatigue potentially lingering for two weeks. Annual vaccinations and good hygiene are key preventative measures.
How to lower cholesterol? Reducing cholesterol involves minimizing saturated and trans fats in your diet, consuming soluble fiber, and regular exercise. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol intake.
Statins are usually prescribed when diet isn’t enough.
How to relieve bloating? To alleviate bloating, avoid gas-producing foods, eat slowly, and skip gum and smoking. Over-the-counter medications can help.
Causes include hormonal changes, gluten sensitivity and overeating.
What causes low blood pressure? Hypotension (as opposed to hypertension, or high blood pressure) can result from dehydration, prolonged bed rest, pregnancy, side effects of medications and medical conditions.
Symptoms include dizziness and fainting, necessitating a medical evaluation.
What causes warts? Yes, this is one of the most Googled health questions! Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and spread by touching someone else’s wart and then your own skin, especially if you have low immunity or an open wound yourself.
To prevent the spread of warts, avoid touching warts and sharing personal items.
How to prevent a stroke? Prevention involves managing health conditions like blood pressure and cholesterol, making healthy lifestyle choices, and regular medical check-ups.
Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption and treating sleep apnea are also crucial.
Be aware that some medications, such as certain hormone replacement therapies, can increase stroke risk.
How long is strep throat contagious? Strep throat is contagious for two to three weeks without treatment and for 24 to 48 hours after starting antibiotics.
Typical symptoms include a sore throat and fever. If not treated properly, an earache may result, as well as more serious complications like mastoiditis, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, hematuria and kidney inflammation.
For more detailed insights into the top 10 most-Googled health questions or to explore my previous articles, please visit my website,
This information is opinion only. It is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Consult with your doctor before using any new drug or supplement.
Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist and author of The 24-Hour Pharmacist and Real Solutions from Head to Toe.