Thoughtful gift ideas for comfort, healing

For those of us who still have our health and energy, it’s hard to imagine how others with a chronic illness may feel.
If you know someone who is uncomfortable or struggling with pain or an unpleasant condition, keep in mind they might appreciate a thoughtful — and helpful — gift at any time of the year.
In this column, I can help you figure out what they really want or need, or at least something that can bring them more comfort.
Essential oil and diffuser — This is a nice gift, especially if you can find a pretty color-changing diffuser to keep by their bed and a bottle of lavender or neroli oil. These two oils impact the GABAergic system to induce your body’s tranquilizer hormone called GABA.
Weighted blanket — This type of blanket can be calming. This gift is a good idea for someone who feels anxious, or can’t sleep very well at night.
Bed wedge pillow — This is usually made of memory foam, and it’s shaped like a wedge to elevate your head at the top of the bed. Fantastic for people who need to sleep a little more upright, as in the case of acid reflux.
White noise machine — I think this type of gift would make a great gift for someone with tinnitus, or someone who needs a little background noise to feel calm and secure.
ieGeek tablet phone stand for bed — This locks a digital device (tablet or phone) into position so you can watch it or read it while in bed, hands-free. Full disclosure, I have this and we love watching movies in bed sometimes.
Blue-light-blocking glasses — Speaking of digital devices at bedtime, a pair of these glasses removes blue light from your computer screen or other digital device. It’s been found that exposure to blue light suppresses the body’s production of melatonin, making it more difficult to fall asleep at night.
These glasses are also great for gamers, computer workaholics and anyone prone to insomnia, tension headaches or migraines.
Sound amplifier to help with hearing — Some people are stubborn, or they refuse to wear (or can’t afford) a real hearing aid. So a sound amplifier can help to improve such a person’s interpersonal relationships.
Electric kettle — This is a convenient way to boil water fast, and they shut off automatically. If you know a tea lover who is a little forgetful (and might leave the oven on), buy them one of these.
Physical help — There’s probably no greater gift than just asking a person who is not feeling well, “How can I help?” These four words will probably bring tears to their eyes, as they are likely feeling disorganized, overwhelmed and tired.
Just offering to do the simplest things for a few hours, or arranging for their needs, can be tremendously helpful. You could stop by and take their packages to the post office, help clean up around the house or teach them how to use Skype so they can see their grandchildren!
I have a much longer version of this article that I can email to you if you’d like. Just sign up for my newsletter at
This information is opinion only. It is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Consult with your doctor before using any new drug or supplement.
Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist and the author of The 24-Hour Pharmacist and Real Solutions from Head to Toe. To contact her, visit