The many health benefits of tea seed oil

As we move into 2021, I started thinking that a good way to start the new year is to feed our bodies better. This will ensure a stronger immune response through the winter season and also help you with gut concerns, mood, sleep and mitochondrial health.
So, I want you to start the new year with what I think is the best oil on Earth: Tea seed oil. It’s not an essential oil, rather it’s something you cook with.
Also, note that it’s completely unrelated to tea tree oil, which cannot be consumed.
I include tea seed oil as an ingredient in many of the recipes posted on my website. But what is it exactly?
Tea seed oil comes from the seeds of the Camellia oleifera plant, which is a cousin to Camellia sinensis. The latter provides us with the leaves that are turned into black or green tea, matcha, white tea and oolong.
Tea seed oil gives your body a refreshing, clean “oil change.” Just like a car needs certain oils for its breaks and gears, your body needs certain oils to keep cell membranes healthy, cholesterol ratios in good balance, and to maintain a healthy, content mood.
High nutrient profile
Oils contain a host of healthy vitamins, antioxidant enzymes, minerals and nutrients. They are not just grease or fat designed to keep food from sticking to the pan. They impart health benefits.
Think of oils like you would a dietary supplement. You can choose an oil by its nutrient profile so that it nourishes your body the way a supplement does.
Just like olive oil and grapeseed oil, tea seed oil has potent antioxidant compounds with extremely high levels of unsaturated fats.
It contains a similar fatty acid profile to olive oil, but it has more omega-3 fatty acids and less omega-6 fatty acids. It’s also free of cholesterol.
As for nutrients, tea seed oil boasts vitamin E, vitamin A, B vitamins and minerals.
Tea seed oil provides incredible antioxidant protection, too, and it’s not lost when you cook this oil. Tea seed oil contains powerful antioxidants called “catechins,” which is exactly why people drink so much green tea — for the catechins.
Great for grilling, too
One major difference with olive oil is that tea seed oil has a high smoke point, so you can grill as well as cook with it. Its smoke point is something like 485 degrees F. Both olive oil and coconut oil will rapidly degrade if you heat them that high.
Tea seed oil has a light flavor that will enhance recipes. I love the pale green to yellow color. It smells very mild; it will not overpower you, or any recipe, the way some other oils can. In fact, it does not impart any flavor or leave a bitter aftertaste, the way some green teas do.
You cannot keep oils for years, however. In fact, after opening them, they may go rancid after a few months.
Tea seed oil is widely available at specialty health foods stores, some grocery stores and online.
This information is opinion only. It is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Consult with your doctor before using any new drug or supplement.
Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist and author of The 24-Hour Pharmacist and
Real Solutions from Head to Toe. To contact her, visit