Strategies to stop sugar cravings now

I feel like in winter I go into hibernation mode: I put on weight and just crawl into bed earlier than I should.
Do you feel that way when it gets dark at 5 p.m.? Do you want to eat whenever you watch the news or a scary movie? It happens to all of us; you’re not alone.
If your cravings have increased due to going overboard on holiday treats, or even from stress and the current early darkness of winter, then read on because I have some simple, natural solutions that you can try. And I want to emphasize that this is very important to your immune system.
Curb the crave and start today. Trying the following five things is the first and only commitment you have to make today. You can always revise the plan, have a little donut, and then get back on track!
1. Drink something instead.
Take notice of how many times you go to the fridge and open the door.
The next time you do that, open the freezer instead and get some ice cubes. Put them in a glass of water, or iced tea, and drink instead of eating! This also hydrates you and reduces your risk of headache.
2. Add cinnamon.
Cinnamon has a well-known ability to help your insulin and blood sugar levels, which in turn, reduces cravings. Sprinkle it on some green apple slices, sweet potatoes, Greek yogurt or coffee.
3. Minimize grains.
This is a hard one, but you can do it. If you eat a lot of bread, rolls or buns, please reduce that. These are lacking in fiber, and they provide empty calories that spike your blood sugar, which then later crashes.
I suddenly see in my mind’s eye a mouth-watering foot-long sub, but that is a heavy carb hit for me.
What’s needed is a change in ratios. Instead, I order a wrap or make it an open-face sandwich and toss the top bun. Effective!
4. Try gymnema sylvestre.
This plant has been studied extensively and is able to help support regeneration of pancreatic cells that have the job of lowering your blood sugar. The more of those pancreatic islet cells the better, and unfortunately, those get destroyed sometimes for people with an autoimmune condition.
[Ed. Note: lists several drugs gymnema interacts with and advises caution by those taking them.]
5. Take a whiff of peppermint.
Peppermint is known to reduce cravings. You could drink some herbal peppermint tea with your meal (or right before) and see if that helps you to reduce portions. Also, you could sniff the essential oil.
I have the same love of sugar as you. We would die without consuming some type of glucose, but that is different from consuming carbs and sugar all day.
I have a longer, extended version of this article, which you can receive by subscribing to my free newsletter at
This information is opinion only. It is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Consult with your doctor before using any new drug or supplement.
Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist and author of The 24-Hour Pharmacist and Real Solutions from Head to Toe.