Approval Queue
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Shillelagh’s Travel Club
Approval Queue
100 East Street Southeast, #202 Vienna, VA 22180
Building wonderful memories among friends one trip after another. The "Shillelaghs" began in 1964 flying their own aircrafts from Dulles, filled with members, to exotic locations. They were the first "Air Travel Club" in the U.S....
VIEW DETAILS VISIT WEBSITEBuilding wonderful memories among friends one trip after another.
The “Shillelaghs” began in 1964 flying their own aircrafts from Dulles, filled with members, to exotic locations. They were the first “Air Travel Club” in the U.S. The idea was to provide a unique travel experience by creating a club that could travel together with a guide who knew the area of adventure inside and out, making the experience truly unique. The word “shillelagh” is Irish for “walking stick”, a wonderful connotation relating to the true traveling mindset.
In 1986, with the advent of airline deregulation and the drastic reduction in commercial airfares, it became economically prudent to dispose of our aircraft.
Today this membership club operates using commercial travel on planes, trains, ships and motor coaches.
Potential members are invited to take any of the group trips before paying the minimal $35 ($50 or families) for an annual membership.