Q&A: Fight itches; strengthen your core

Q: My father keeps complaining about itching in different parts of his body. Is this common and what can he do?
A: Generalized itching has many potential triggers. One is aging. The skin barrier doesn’t work as well as it used to, and things that may not have irritated a person before may now be absorbed in the skin and cause itching.
The skin also develops a somewhat impaired immune response, a reduction in fat and blood flow, and altered sensory perception, making it more prone to itching.
Here are some other causes of generalized itching without obvious signs:
Environment. Very hot, dry environments or lots of hot showers can make the skin dry and itchy, as can excessive exposure to sunlight.
Lifestyle. Poor sleep, smoking or an unhealthy diet may make the skin drier or more reactive to irritants.
Neuropathy. Nerve damage (neuropathy) that causes numbness, tingling, weakness or pain can also cause itching.
. Itching may be a side effect of one of his medications. Even if he takes a drug that didn’t bother him before, he may now be taking a generic version with different inactive ingredients, such as the dye coloring the pill, and that may cause the itch.
Underlying conditions. Itching may be a symptom of an undiagnosed medical problem, such as liver, kidney or thyroid disease; or iron-deficiency anemia.
Psychological conditions
. High stress, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder are common causes of generalized itching.
Allergens. Detergents, fabrics, cosmetics, dust and plant pollen can cause itching from irritation. One can acquire an allergic reaction to anything that comes in contact with the skin.
How to treat itching
Getting rid of generalized itching starts with looking at a person’s lifestyle. Taking too many hot showers? Reduce the number to a few per week. Make the water warm, not hot.
If his home is hot and dry, consider lowering the temperature and getting a humidifier. Aim for a goal of 40% humidity indoors.
If he is not already moisturizing his skin, it’s time to start. Have him use an emollient (a mixture of water and oil) every day, especially after washing his hands and after getting out of the bath or shower (to lock in moisture).
If these measures don’t help, it’s time for him to see his doctor. Teasing out the cause requires investigation.
He should be prepared to describe his symptoms, where they occur on his body and at what time of day, and how long he has been experiencing them.
Q: I am in my 70s. I keep hearing about the importance of a strong core. What are some easy exercises I can do?
A: Your core is the stable part of your body that’s more than just your abdominal muscles. It also involves your hips, back and even your shoulders.
A strong core helps make everyday movements more efficient and safer — like whenever you reach, carry, walk, bend or twist.
Core strength is also crucial for fall prevention. Our bodies constantly have to adapt not only to different surfaces, but different weighted loads. Adequate core stability and strength can prepare you to better react to these changes and keep you from losing your balance and stumbling.
Some floor exercises like the plank and “superman” poses are great for engaging your core muscles. A plank pose is where you hold a push-up position with straight arms or resting on your forearms. You might only be able to hold it for 15 seconds at first, but over time you will increase the duration of the plank.
With “superman,” you lie face down with arms extended overhead, and you lift legs, shoulders and arms off the floor simultaneously and hold for two to three seconds.
Another type of core workout involves walk-and-carry exercises, also known as “loaded carries.” You hold weights, such as dumbbells or kettlebells, while walking.
Carrying a heavy object while you walk engages much of your entire core musculature. Loaded carries can improve everyday movements like holding and carrying groceries, moving furniture or rising out of bed.
Here are three easy-to-do loaded carries to try:
Farmer’s carry. Stand tall and hold either a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand. (Begin with a moderate weight, like the amount you use to do biceps curls.)
Keep your arms down at your sides. Engage your core muscles by taking in a deep belly breath and then blowing it out while you tighten your abs. Walk for a minute. (You mimic a farmer carrying pails of milk, hence the name.)
Continue to breathe throughout, maintain proper posture, and try to keep the tension in your abs as you move. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat until you’ve completed two or three sets.
Cross-body carry. This is performed like the farmer’s carry, except you keep one arm straight overhead with the other hand down at your side as you walk. After you have completed your walk, rest for 30 seconds, switch hand positions and repeat. This completes one set. Do two or three sets.
Suitcase carry. This is also done like the farmer’s carry, except you hold a weight in only one hand while your other hand is free. After you have completed your walk, rest for 30 seconds, switch the weight to the other hand, and repeat the walk to finish one set. Do two or three sets.
Howard LeWine, M.D., is an internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. For additional consumer health information, visit health.harvard.edu.
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