Fairfax 50+ Podcast – Talk about Celebration of the Arts

Fairfax 50+ is a podcast series featuring discussions on issues, services and activities of interest to residents 50 and over.
On this edition, host Jim Person talks with Stuart Rosenthal, publisher of the Beacon Newspapers, a group of 4 regional newspapers that also cover issues of interest to the 50+ audience. He’s here to tell us about the paper’s Celebration of the Arts program which includes an area-wide art competition.
You can find the county’s older adult services, recreation and community engagement opportunities by calling 703-324-7948, TTY 711, Monday – Friday, or by going online to www.fairfaxcounty.gov/OlderAdults. When you’re online, be sure to subscribe to the monthly Golden Gazette newspaper and Fairfax 50+ E-News.
To listen to other county podcasts, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/podcasts
For more Fairfax County news and events, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/news
. You also may call 703-FAIRFAX, that’s 703-324-7329, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.