Ex-smoker? Scan can protect your lungs

Not too long ago, people used to smoke everywhere — in restaurants, on airplanes, in their (or your) car. There was no escaping it, but most people never gave it a second thought.
Today, things are done differently. However, those memories can be an important reminder to those who smoked back then to take a step for better health and get a lung screening.
Early detection is critical
Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate among cancers, killing men and women more than any other type.
If found in its earliest stage, however, lung cancer is more likely to be successfully treated, according to the American Cancer Society. In fact, detecting lung cancer in its early stages can make the survival rate as high as 90%.
“Unfortunately, lung cancer symptoms typically don’t show up until the disease has advanced. And when they do appear, they can be similar to common respiratory illnesses, with cough, shortness of breath or pain in the chest, back or shoulders,” said Dr. Ella Kazerooni, professor of radiology and internal medicine at the University of Michigan and chair of the American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable.
“Screening detects lung cancer when there are no symptoms. That’s why it’s important for people at high risk of lung cancer to get annual lung scans to help increase the likelihood of catching cancer early when it’s most treatable.
“A lung cancer screening is a painless evaluation that usually takes minutes to complete.”
However, according to a study published in the “Journal of the National Cancer Institute,” the national average of at-risk individuals getting screened is only 5%.
In 2021, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) — a panel of national experts in disease prevention and evidence-based medicine — updated guidelines for who is eligible and recommended annual lung screening. Yet, the Epic Health Research Network reported 87% of at-risk individuals eligible for screening based on the USPSTF guidelines didn’t receive an annual screening despite it being covered by insurance.
What is a lung cancer screening?
A lung cancer screening is a preventive health check, like a mammogram or colonoscopy. It checks the lungs and looks for any changes from year to year. If there’s something unusual in the lungs, a screening can help detect it at an early stage.
A low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scan is the only method recommended for lung cancer screening in high-risk patients. A LDCT machine takes a 3D picture of the lungs. This type of scan uses 75% less radiation than a regular CT scan and doesn’t require the use of needles.
[Eds. note: There are risks as well as benefits to such scans. Discuss with your doctor.]
Who’s eligible for screening?
A family history of lung cancer, a personal history of lung disease, lifestyle or environmental factors can put a person at elevated risk.
More smokers and ex-smokers now qualify for yearly LDCT scans, according to the updated guidelines published by the USPSTF. The guidelines lowered the eligibility threshold based on a person’s age and smoking habits.
An annual LDCT screening is recommended for people who meet these criteria:
- are 50 to 80 years old
- Actively smoke or have a history of smoking within the last 15 years
- Heavily smoke or used to heavily smoke (people who have smoked for 20 “pack years” or more)
Pack years are determined by the number of cigarette packs smoked per day multiplied by the number of years a person has smoked. For example, smoking one package per day for 20 years equals 20 pack years.
If you’re concerned about your risk or have a history of smoking, talk to your healthcare provider to discuss the benefits and risks of screening and find out if a scan is right for you.
Learn more about how you can take control of your lung health and support loved ones who may be at high risk for lung cancer by visiting screenyourlungs.org.