Did you know these benefits of prunes?

Almost everyone knows what prunes are for: They help you get going! Your parents probably kept them in the kitchen and offered them to you when you were a constipated kid.
Prunes are, of course, just dried plums. They’re fruits of the tree species Prunus domestica, hence the name.
More recently, for purely marketing reasons, they have begun to be called “dried plums,” which offers greater mass appeal. Honestly, which name sounds more palatable?
What they couldn’t change was how shriveled up and sticky these guys are when you eat them! But don’t let that hinder you, because prunes have been scientifically proven to help soften stools and induce a laxative type effect due to their sorbitol content.
Filtered prune juice will not work as well because the actual fruit provides the fiber, and filtered juice does not.
Do prunes have other medicinal benefits? Yes, and surprisingly important ones too!
Stronger bones
Prunes have been shown in multiple studies to prevent, and even reverse, bone loss in post-menopausal women. They’re good for those with osteoporosis!
Prunes work by suppressing the rate of bone turnover. In fact, prominent researchers wrote an article in the British Journal of Nutrition
saying they have come to the conclusion that prunes are “the most effective fruit in both preventing and reversing bone loss.”
Lower blood pressure
A placebo-controlled trial out of Pakistan showed that eating just one serving of prunes each day could significantly lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Those who ate the prunes had a reduction in both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure (top and bottom numbers).
Better memory?
Eating prunes might also help preserve your brain. In an animal model study, feeding rodents an extract of plums helped to maintain their cognitive function. Not only was their memory recall improved, there was less formation of beta amyloid plaques, which are found in patients with Alzheimer’s and may turn out to cause the disease.
Even if everything is “moving right along” in your life, consider adding prunes to your diet if only to help you with blood pressure regulation, bone health and memory.
It’s mind-blowing to think such a simple thing could help so much. As a pharmacist, I see no risk to this, and only benefit. But of course, don’t eat too many prunes or you’ll get diarrhea!
One warning: If your constipation is due to opiate usage (such as oxycodone or hydrocodone), then you’ll need an OTC medication such as MiraLAX. Prunes are fine, but will not be enough!
If your constipation is secondary to hypothyroidism, prunes will also not be enough. You will need thyroid medication. I have written about this extensively at my website.
Enjoy prunes on a salad, with yogurt or cottage cheese, or just eat them whole.
Recipes can be found everywhere, including on my website where I also have a longer version of this article posted.
If you simply can’t stand prunes, fresh plums are a great alternative, when available. Plums contain the same anthocyanins that prunes do, and they are even juicier.
This information is opinion only. It is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Consult with your doctor before using any new drug or supplement.
Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist and the author of The 24-Hour Pharmacist and Real Solutions from Head to Toe. To contact her, visit www.SuzyCohen.com.