Record low bond yields impact investors
The website Quartz reported recently that yields on U.S. 10-year Treasury bonds are lower than they have been since the days of Alexander Hamilton.But when it comes to bond yields, zero is not the limit. Brexit and uneasiness about the global economy have pushed interest rates on a third of developed-country government debt into negative numbers as investors seek safe havens. That means... READ MORE
Retirees find opportunity to serve again
Patricia Rice, 69, is many things: a retiree, mother, grandmother, and now a youth mentor for children transitioning out of the foster system. She found her current position through ReServe — a nonprofit service that matches adults 55 and older with local nonprofits that can benefit from their professional and personal experience.ReServists get meaningful part-time work (and a modest... READ MORE
Sum yourself up in an ‘elevator speech’
Question: Now that I’m looking for a job, I hear a lot of people talking about their “elevator speech.” What do they mean by that?Answer: The concept of an elevator speech has been around for a long time. It’s a succinct (approximately 30 second) business description of what you do and why someone should hire you. It’s called an “elevator... READ MORE
Seven ways to slash the cost of a funeral
In addition to the emotional toll, dying can take a heavy financial toll on the living. The median cost of a funeral runs about $8,500, according to the latest figures from the National Funeral Directors Association, including embalming, viewing, a hearse, a metal casket, a vault and some other related services.And there are two important points to keep in mind about the $8,500 figure.... READ MORE
How to convince a store to give you a deal
The time and effort required to be an “extreme coupon” user is something that many of us would rather pass on. Instead, learn the right questions to ask store employees in order to score the best deal possible.Sometimes they’ll pass along an exclusive coupon, sometimes they’ll drop clues on the best day of the week to shop, and some might even mark down products ... READ MORE
Not afraid of risk? Invest in a start-up
Last year, Randy Murphy went to and bet $25 that he could drop 4 percent of his weight in four weeks. After shedding about 20 pounds, he won back $50.Now he’s making an even bigger bet: Murphy invested $1,000 in the company that owns DietBet, New York-based WayBetter Inc.Making the purchase — which was the first time he’s bought a company’s stock —... READ MORE
Cheapskate mutual fund investors do better
Stay cheap.Research keeps piling up to show that one of the best predictors for the success of a mutual fund is if it has low fees. Whether the fund specializes in stocks, bonds or other investments, having low costs tends to lead to higher future returns.The latest piece of support comes from Russ Kinnel, director of manager research at Morningstar. He recently looked at returns for... READ MORE
Q & A on rebalancing
Like many things in life, investing is all about balance. online pharmacy purchase imodium online generic As the market moves and other forces take shape, different investments will grow at different rates. Over time, this may leave investors with a higher percentage of money in one type of investment than originally intended, such as more stocks than bonds.Rebalancing, as it is known, is... READ MORE
Alternatives for higher investment income
I have often written that even conservative investors can’t afford to restrict their investments to low-paying alternatives such as certificates of deposit, money-market accounts and Treasury bills.Even in retirement, I believe a diversified portfolio that includes a significant investment in some form of common stocks and bonds is best. (Although I have been retired for about 20... READ MORE
Has the time come for small-cap stocks?
A single dollar invested in a basket of large-capitalization stocks in 1926 and held, with dividends and capital gains reinvested, until the present would have grown to $511,502 by the end of February 2016.But even more dramatic is what would have happened had the dollar been invested in a basket of small-cap stocks. It would have grown to $2,490,588.Over the past 90 years, the typical... READ MORE