Get a sale price even when there’s no sale

By Courtney Jesperson
Posted on November 12, 2018

If you don’t see a sale sign, it doesn’t mean you can’t get a deal. Here are four ways you could save money the next time you shop online or in person. 1. Sign up buy prednisone online If you’re willing to supply a retailer with some of your personal information ... READ MORE

How to prepare your emergency go-bag

By Melissa Kossler Dutton
Posted on November 09, 2018

Heather Kretzer, a health consultant for the Florida Department of Health in Panama City, lives near the water. However, the most recent call for an evacuation in her area wasn’t because of a hurricane but rather because of an active shooter. The incident, which did not result in any bystanders being injured but did lead to the temporary evacuation of an apartment complex, drove home... READ MORE

With solid economy, why is market falling?

By Paul Wiseman
Posted on November 08, 2018

The nerve-wracking anxiety that’s gripped the U.S. stock market might seem oddly unmoored from economic reality: Economic growth is strong, unemployment ultra-low and consumers exceptionally confident. Indeed, in late October, the government reported that the U.S. economy grew at a healthy 3.5 percent annual pace from July through September. In the previous quarter, annual growth was... READ MORE

When couples shouldn’t retire together

By Liz Weston
Posted on November 07, 2018

Women who retire when their husbands do may be giving up more wealth than they realize. Married women overall are still in their peak earning years in their 50s and early 60s, while married men’s earnings are on the decline, said economist Nicole Maestas, an associate professor of healthcare policy at Harvard Medical School and the author of a recent study about couples’ income and... READ MORE

Don’t try to time the bull market’s end

By Elliot Raphaelson
Posted on October 31, 2018

The bull market in stocks has lasted almost 10 years. Is it time to take profits and leave the stock market? In recent years, many experts have predicted — incorrectly — that it is time to reinvest somewhere else. And the precipitous drop in mid-October shook some investors’ faith in a continuing bull market. Frankly, I have no idea when this bull market will end, and neither does... READ MORE

Preexisiting condition can affect medigap

By Kimberly Lankford
Posted on October 25, 2018

Is it true that an insurance company can factor in preexisting conditions when deciding whether to offer you a medigap policy or when setting the premiums? online pharmacy prednisone for sale with best prices today in the USA Answer: That’s correct. Many people don’t realize that even though preexisting conditions can’t affect your ability to get other types of health insurance,... READ MORE

Medicare surcharges for richer recipients

By Rachel L. Sheedy
Posted on October 18, 2018

A big question every year at open enrollment for employer health insurance is how much will the premium rise? That doesn’t change once you’re on Medicare — Part B and Part D premiums typically increase each year. But with Medicare there’s added anxiety: Your income can shoot premiums through the roof. The government sets four Medicare surcharge tiers for 2018, based on a... READ MORE

Nine things to never keep in your wallet

By Kiplinger
Posted on October 17, 2018

You and your hard-earned savings have finally made it to retirement. Why risk losing anything if your wallet goes missing or is stolen? With every new bank slip that bulges from the seams, your personal information is getting less and less safe. With just your name and Social Security number, identity thieves can open new credit accounts and make costly purchases in your name. If they ... READ MORE

How to find ‘advice-only’ financial advisers

By Liz Weston
Posted on October 12, 2018

If you want money advice you can trust, your best bet is to hire a fee-only financial planner. The trick is finding a planner who’s willing to be hired for a reasonable fee. Fee-only planners don’t accept commissions or kickbacks from companies whose investments their clients buy. Instead, they are paid solely by client fees. Most use an “assets under management” model, where... READ MORE

How long will bull market continue?

By Alex Veiga
Posted on October 11, 2018

The current bull market for U.S. stocks is now the longest of all time. How much longer might it last? Strong corporate earnings growth and a resilient U.S. economy bolstered by a solid job market and consumer confidence set the stage for the market to continue the upward trajectory it’s been on for more than nine years, experts say. Even rising interest rates are not likely to... READ MORE