New law changes RMD and IRA rules

By Rocky Mengle
Posted on January 16, 2020

With the decline of traditional pensions, most of us are now responsible for squirrelling away money for our own retirement. In today’s do-it-yourself retirement savings world, we rely largely on 401(k) plans and IRAs. However, there are obviously flaws with the system because about one-fourth of working Americans have no retirement savings at all — including 13% of workers 60 and... READ MORE

Involve your spouse in financial decisions

By Elliot Raphaelson
Posted on January 15, 2020

When I taught courses in personal financial planning at the New School for Social Research in New York City for 18 years, most of my students were women. Periodically, I teach courses at local colleges and still find a large percentage of women in my courses. Many of them were widows who had not actively participated in basic personal financial decisions, such as investing and... READ MORE

Smart ways to choose a financial planner

By Jim Miller
Posted on January 09, 2020

Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend some tips on finding and choosing a good financial planner? My wife and I are both in our late 50s and would like to get some professional advice to help us better prepare for our retirement years. Seeking Advice Dear Seeking, online pharmacy... READ MORE

When parents need your financial help

By Liz Weston
Posted on December 20, 2019

Most parents in the U.S. provide some sort of financial support to their adult children, multiple surveys have found. But often, financial aid goes the other way. A 2015 survey by TD Ameritrade found 13% of American adults provided financial support to a parent. Millennials were far more likely than older generations to report they were helping their folks. Of people born between 1981 ... READ MORE

Hardships with medical bills is common

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
Posted on December 20, 2019

More than half of seriously ill Medicare enrollees face financial hardships with medical bills, and prescription drug costs are the leading problem, according to a study published last month. The study in the journal Health Affairs comes as legislation to curb drug costs for seniors languishes in Congress and the growing financial exposure of patients with insurance is getting more... READ MORE

Could your tax bill explode in retirement?

By John Creekmur
Posted on December 19, 2019

Remember when you first started earning a decent salary, and it seemed as if everybody — your parents, your boss, the nice lady in Human Resources and, of course, your tax preparer — all told you to put as much money as you could into your employer’s 401(k) plan? Grab the employer match, they said. Get the growth that the market has to offer. And take advantage of the tax break,... READ MORE

How to give your portfolio a stress test

By Anthony Pellegrino
Posted on December 18, 2019

“You need to manage your stress.” How many times have you heard those words from your doctor or spouse — or maybe said them to yourself? The thing about stress is that the problems it causes often lurk beneath the surface. It’s easy to ignore the effects of stress until they lead to a major health problem — high blood pressure, headaches, stomach issues or even a heart attack.... READ MORE

Cars still more efficient than newer SUVs

By Tom Krisher
Posted on December 17, 2019

Yes, your sport utility vehicle has gotten smaller and more fuel efficient over the years. But even with those gains, SUVs are still behind cars when it comes to gas mileage. The reason: SUVs are taller and heavier than cars, and no matter how sculpted their bodies are, they still run into more wind resistance. “It comes down to the laws of physics,” said Jake Fisher, director of... READ MORE

Free stock trading leads to industry shift

By Stan Choe
Posted on December 16, 2019

Charles Schwab is buying rival TD Ameritrade in a $26 billion stock swap, a blockbuster agreement brought about by massive disruption in the online brokerage industry. Bowing to competitive pressure, brokerages have recently made it free for customers to trade U.S. stocks online. A combination of two of the biggest players in the industry would allow Schwab to save billions of dollars... READ MORE

Understand pros and cons of a Roth IRA

By Elliot Raphaelson
Posted on December 13, 2019

Based on the mail I receive, many readers misunderstand Roth IRAs, including the benefits for the initial owner and for beneficiaries. I’ll explain some of the basics associated with Roth IRAs below. However, I should preface this by saying that Congress is contemplating modifications in the regulations that will affect the length of time beneficiaries will be able to stretch out... READ MORE