Stop ‘dollar-cost ravaging’ your portfolio

By Jason Lambert
Posted on May 18, 2020

If you aren’t familiar with the 4% rule, it asserts that retirees are unlikely to run out of money as long as they withdraw approximately 4% from their portfolios, adjusted for inflation, each year. It was created in the 1990s, based on stock and bond returns over a 50-year period, from 1926 to 1976. And it made sense for many folks — for a while. online pharmacy zithromax for sale no... READ MORE

How to raid retirement funds in a crisis

By Liz Weston
Posted on May 15, 2020

In an ideal world, your retirement accounts would be left alone for retirement. But you’ve probably noticed that we’re not living in an ideal world. Early withdrawals can have serious repercussions, including big tax bills today and potential shortfalls in the future. Please look for other solutions first. You might: —  Halt ongoing retirement contributions to free up... READ MORE

Where to turn amid bond market chaos?

By Jeffrey R. Kosnett
Posted on May 13, 2020

I won’t mince words: “Lower for longer,” my overriding view of fixed-income yields, is trending toward “lowest imaginable.” Expect the imminent return of zero, or near-zero, rates on money market funds, three- and six-month certificates of deposit (CDs) and bank deposits. Bonds with 4% and 5% coupons will be called in bunches by their issuers. Mortgage refis will cut the payouts... READ MORE

When will the U.S. economy recover?

By Anne Kates Smith
Posted on May 11, 2020

Mark Zandi is the chief economist of Moody’s Analytics. He spoke with Kiplinger’s Anne Kates Smith in a series of interviews on March 26 and 27. This is an edited transcript of their conversations. Q. What’s your outlook for the economy? How deep a recession do you see? A: It’s going to be a struggle between now and this time next year. We’re in the teeth of the downturn now.... READ MORE

Some simple strategies for CD savers

By Lisa Gerstner
Posted on May 08, 2020

Since the Federal Reserve slashed the federal funds rate to near zero in March, yields on certificates of deposit, a federally insured savings account with fixed interest rates and fixed dates of withdrawal, have been tumbling. online pharmacy no prescription “Unfortunately... READ MORE

Avoid some common estate plan mistakes

By Bud Boland
Posted on April 14, 2020

A few years ago, I received a phone call from a woman understandably upset that she might not inherit any of her deceased father’s large 401(k) plan, even though he was divorced and she was an only child. Unfortunately, about a year before, her father divorced for the second time and failed to remove his ex-wife as the beneficiary of his 401(k). While the man probably never intended... READ MORE

Should your next car be new or used?

By David Muhlbaum
Posted on April 10, 2020

At Kiplinger, we’ve hewed pretty closely to the same car-buying advice over the years: Used cars offer the best value. Not overspending on a depreciating asset fits well with our get-rich-slowly philosophy. As designated car guy, I’ve repeated that mantra plenty of times. But recently a friend challenged me on it.  He was looking for something safe for his kids, with a stick... READ MORE

Top financial regrets of recent retirees

By Liz Weston
Posted on April 08, 2020

In a previous column, I detailed retirees’ biggest lifestyle regrets, such as not traveling more before their health gave out and not communicating clearly with a partner about what they hoped retirement would be like. Now we’ll cover the money moves retirees wish they hadn’t made. The big ones, of course, are starting to save too late and not saving enough, but there are other... READ MORE

As you fill out your 2020 Census form…

By Mike Schneider
Posted on April 06, 2020

It’s a question spouses, domestic partners and roommates are going to be forced to confront in the next few weeks as they fill out their 2020 Census forms: Who gets to be the primary person in the household? Everyone else who lives in the home has to be identified on the form by how they are related to so-called “Person 1.” It’s a question that even the most egalitarian homes are ... READ MORE

Be a skeptical consumer during pandemic

By Eric Friedman
Posted on April 06, 2020

Whether dealing with snake oil products, phishing scams, price gouging or cancelled travel arrangements, it is a difficult time to be a consumer. Scammers and their schemes change daily.  As a consumer, how can you protect yourself? Here are some of the more common scams circulating together with the virus. First, know that there are no approved potions, pills or treatments to cure... READ MORE