Ethical wills let you share life’s lessons

By Alina Tugend
Posted on July 07, 2020

Rebecca Schreiber, a Manhattan real estate agent, was getting her papers in order after a divorce and decided that, along with redoing her legal will, she would also write up an ethical will for her two young children. “It was a way to convey my wishes and hopes to my children,” Schreiber, 42, said. Ethical wills, or legacy letters as they are also called, are documents to... READ MORE

Excellent resources for financial planning

By Elliot Raphaelson
Posted on July 02, 2020

Life is fraught with a series of complicated financial decisions, from financing an education or a first home to distributing an estate after death. Fortunately, on almost every aspect of personal financial planning, there is at least one published guide that can help you through. I use many sources to keep current on the latest innovations, legal developments and information about... READ MORE

Five stocks to consider buying now

By Anne Kates Smith
Posted on July 01, 2020

With the market finding its way through tricky economic territory, investors will have to strike a careful balance between offensive and defensive moves. These five stocks will help you finesse your approach with a blend of classic safety plays, companies that will shine as the economy recovers, and companies poised to profit in a post-pandemic world: American Electric Power (AEP, $81):... READ MORE

Money tight? Ways to adjust your budget

By Courtney Jespersen
Posted on June 30, 2020

You’re not the only one with a tight budget. Millions of Americans are currently struggling with unemployment, lost hours and lowered wages. We talked to financial experts for advice on getting more mileage out of the money you have available right now. Here are their tips for finding extra money in your monthly budget: Go line by line You’re probably spending a lot of time at home ... READ MORE

Steps you should take to protect your car

By David Muhlbaum
Posted on June 15, 2020

If you’re sheltering at home during the coronavirus pandemic, your car is likely spending a lot of time sitting in your driveway. But, much like people, cars need exercise and don’t do well if they sit for too long. How long is too long? Well, that varies, but with lockdowns in many places running into three months now, that’s too long for a car to go with little or no use. The... READ MORE

Maryland tax credits for owners, renters

By Francine Hyman
Posted on June 12, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, thinking about the impacts on your household can be overwhelming. But now is an ideal time to learn about the resources available to you and your family.  The Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition (MCRC) is ramping up its “Take the Credit” campaign, which reminds Maryland homeowners and renters about two sometimes forgotten tax credits. The... READ MORE

It’s smart to make end-of-life plans now

By Sarah Skidmore Sell
Posted on June 11, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has more people addressing their end-of-life planning. For those who haven’t done so yet, it’s a great time to take it on. People are traditionally rather hesitant to take the steps that experts suggest — creating an advance directive, writing a will and more — in part because they don’t want to ponder their own mortality.  But the pandemic has... READ MORE

How to ask your bank or lender for help

By Liz Weston
Posted on June 10, 2020

Many banks, credit card issuers and other lenders have promised to help those impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. They’re offering to defer or reduce payments and waive interest charges and rebate fees for those who have lost jobs, had their hours reduced or otherwise lost income due to the COVID-19 crisis. The help usually isn’t automatic, however. You have to ask for it — and... READ MORE

Coronavirus relief act waives 2020 RMDs

By Elliot Raphaelson
Posted on June 09, 2020

The recent coronavirus relief legislation, or CARES Act, made several important changes affecting charitable deductions as well as Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).  It increased the charitable contribution deduction that a taxpayer is entitled to claim for cash contributions made to most public charities during the 2020 calendar year.  Prior to the CARES Act, contributing to... READ MORE

Tips before you adopt or buy a puppy

By Courtney Jespersen
Posted on June 04, 2020

Puppies provide us with comfort, happiness and love. But bringing a four-legged friend into your daily life is quite an investment — a pup requires a considerable amount of your time, money and attention. Here’s what to know and do before bringing Fido home: Evaluate your budget, lifestyle Ensure that you’re ready for a puppy and everything that goes along with one. Your new... READ MORE