Maximize spouse assets if on Medicaid

By David Rodeck
Posted on August 26, 2021

The bill for long-term care adds up fast. The annual median cost for a private room in a nursing home was $105,850 in 2020, according to Genworth. The government will up these costs if you qualify for Medicaid, but that’s easier said than done. “Medicaid is a welfare program,” said Neel Shah, estate-planning attorney and a certified financial planner at Shah & Associates in... READ MORE

Pros and cons of state interest-rate caps

By Annie Millerbernd
Posted on August 24, 2021

Small-dollar, short-term lenders, unburdened by a federal maximum interest rate, can charge borrowers rates of 400% or more for their loans. But more states are bringing that number down by setting rate caps to curb high-interest lending. Currently, 18 states, including Maryland and Virginia, and Washington, D.C., have laws that limit short-term loan rates to 36% or lower, according to... READ MORE

The four phases of retirement planning

By Max Verkuilen and Leslie Verkuilen
Posted on August 20, 2021

It is crucial to think about the long term when you are planning for your retirement. Having a plan — a specific road map to retirement — is absolutely essential. Effective retirement planning comes down to four phases: The accumulation phase online pharmacy buy lasix without prescription with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy purchase strattera no... READ MORE

The financial effects of losing a spouse

By Rocky Mengle
Posted on August 16, 2021

The death of a spouse is one of the most difficult things imaginable. Besides the emotional toll, though, surviving spouses typically confront financial issues, which often trigger tax-related questions and consequences. Some of them are fairly straightforward, while others can be tricky. That’s why Letha McDowell, president of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, advises... READ MORE

Become a better long-distance caregiver

By Liz Weston
Posted on August 12, 2021

Long pandemic lockdowns forced many older adults to become comfortable with video calls to stay connected with family. That in turn meant that long-distance caregivers had a better way to see how their loved ones were faring. “You can’t tell on the phone that they’re wearing the same clothes every day, or they’re not bathing because they’re afraid they’ll fall in the... READ MORE

Use a trust to protect child’s inheritance

By Lisa Brown
Posted on August 05, 2021

I recently met with a client to update her will, and her big question was whether she still needs a trust for her daughter. Her child has graduated college, is on her second well-paying job, got married and is now a new mom. Her daughter has been maturing into a responsible young adult. But there’s another factor that weighs heavily on my client’s mind: her son-in-law and the... READ MORE

Five ideas can shape your retirement plan

By Anthony Landi
Posted on July 27, 2021

Stashing away money for retirement is both smart and necessary to increase the odds that you will be financially secure once your working career comes to an end. But the act of saving money is not in itself a retirement plan. You also need to be intentional in establishing how much money you will need, when and how you will spend it, how taxes might affect you and a host of other... READ MORE

New Medicare con: ‘free’ genetic test kits

By Better Business Bureau of Virginia
Posted on July 23, 2021

If you are on Medicare, watch out for a resurgence of this scam. Scammers are claiming to offer “free” genetic testing kits that allegedly screen for heart conditions or cancer. It’s really a ruse to steal your Medicare information for fraudulent billing and/or identity theft. How the scam works online pharmacy buy valtrex no insurance with best prices today in the USA You get a... READ MORE

Nine important money numbers to know

By Liz Weston
Posted on July 21, 2021

Your doctor needs to know certain numbers to judge your physical health, such as your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Similarly, you need to know certain numbers to monitor your own financial health, including these: After-tax income and ‘must-have’ expenses Your after-tax income is your gross income minus the taxes you pay (federal, state and local income taxes,... READ MORE

Dominion Energy program helps pay bills

By Catherine Brown
Posted on July 14, 2021

Many people — particularly older adults — have struggled financially during the pandemic. For that reason, Dominion Energy suspended all disconnections for nonpayment beginning in March 2020. It’s also providing assistance to those in need. The pandemic wasn’t the first time the company offered assistance to Virginia residents. Almost 40 years ago, Dominion Energy created... READ MORE