Scientists seek real way to measure pain
Is the pain stabbing or burning? On a scale from 1 to 10, is it a 6 or an 8? Over and over, 17-year-old Sarah Taylor struggled to make doctors understand her sometimes debilitating levels of pain, first from joint-damaging childhood arthritis and then from fibromyalgia. “It’s really hard when people can’t see how much pain you’re in, because they have to take your word on it,... READ MORE
Psoriatic arthritis patients sought for study
Johns Hopkins University is currently recruiting approximately 200 patients for an observational study of how well treatment goals are met in psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease that occurs in one in three people who have already been diagnosed with psoriasis. Psoriasis is a common skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells, causing cells to... READ MORE
Prevent and alleviate gas and bloating
Q: I’ve been feeling very gassy and bloated lately. Is there something I can do to prevent or treat this feeling? A: The feeling of being “gassy” or bloated is common for many adults. It can happen after a large meal, or seemingly without reason. Stomach gas is formed as a normal part of the digestive process. But there could be other reasons for feeling like you have extra gas. ... READ MORE
Friends closer than sisters — and not
Dear Solutions: My sister’s friend died recently. My sister, who considered this person her best friend, can’t seem to get over it. She says she has no one to really talk to anymore. online pharmacy order periactin without prescription with best prices today in the USA I thought we were always close, and I feel a little insulted. I told her she still has me to talk to, and she just... READ MORE
Thoughtful gift ideas for comfort, healing
For those of us who still have our health and energy, it’s hard to imagine how others with a chronic illness may feel. If you know someone who is uncomfortable or struggling with pain or an unpleasant condition, keep in mind they might appreciate a thoughtful — and helpful — gift at any time of the year. In this column, I can help you figure out what they really want or need, or ... READ MORE
Help researchers understand Alzheimer’s
Over the last 15 years, researchers have made strides in better understanding the development and detection of Alzheimer’s disease — if not in treatments for the disease itself. Some of these discoveries — such as that brain changes take place years before there are outward signs of Alzheimer’s, and that many genes may play a role in who gets the disease — have come about... READ MORE
Fight a denied Medicare Advantage claim
If a Medicare Advantage plan denies you coverage for medically necessary care, don’t take it lying down. File an appeal, and your odds are good that the plan will overturn its decision. That’s the message for consumers in a recent government report examining service and payment denials in Medicare Advantage plans, which are offered by private insurers and often combine basic Medicare ... READ MORE
Use Indian flatbread for quick pizza crust
Use Indian flatbread for quick pizza crust Naan is an Indian flatbread with a chewy texture and a puffed, slightly charred crust. Brushing a baking sheet with olive oil and then baking the naan on the lowest rack in a 400 F oven gives it a crispy texture — just like pizza crust. This recipe can be doubled. Pizza in a flash Servings: 1-2 Start to finish: 40 minutes (Active... READ MORE
The pressures beauty standards impose
Many people are brainwashed into buying into our culture’s steady message about what is attractive. Teenagers like myself are certainly encouraged by society (and our peers) to look a certain way. Women, we’re basically told, should be equipped with shiny, long hair, dark eyelashes and a slim waist, while men should be tall, lean and muscular. These standards of “beauty” are... READ MORE
Should you be taking a fiber supplement?
Dear Mayo Clinic: I experience irregularity almost weekly, and eating bran flakes every day isn’t helping. Are fiber supplements safe to use regularly and long term? Is there anything else I can do? I’m a 53-year-old woman and otherwise in excellent health. Answer: When consumed at recommended levels, dietary fiber is widely recognized to have health benefits, including relief of... READ MORE