Make your own cleaning products

By Katherine Roth
Posted on April 03, 2019

To reduce waste and avoid unnecessary plastic bottles and chemicals — and to save money — many people are opting to make cleaning products from scratch at home. You can find an abundance of recipes for household cleaning products online, along with reusable glass spray bottles designed to hold them. But not all homemade cleaning products are created equal, and some simple concoctions ... READ MORE

Gluten and lactose used in many pills

By Lauran Neergaard
Posted on April 02, 2019

A man with celiac disease felt sicker after starting a new drug, but it wasn’t a typical side effect. It turns out the pills were mixed with gluten the patient knew to avoid in food — but was surprised to find hiding in medicine. A new report says pills often contain so-called “inactive” ingredients capable of causing allergic or gastrointestinal reactions in small numbers of... READ MORE

Pioneer changed attitudes, lives

By Robert Friedman
Posted on March 25, 2019

Forty years ago, Marge Burba revved up her Cougar station wagon each morning to pick up five older adults and bring them to her two-story home in Olney, where the living room and kitchen were turned over to them as part of a program meant to keep them engaged during the day. At a time when a sociological theory that withdrawing from society was both natural and acceptable late in life... READ MORE

Palliative care is different from hospice

By Jessica Roller, R.N.
Posted on March 21, 2019

Q: My friend has bad kidneys and has to start dialysis. She said she also wants to get palliative care, but I told her that’s only for people who are dying! She doesn’t believe me; can you explain it to her? A: It sounds like you are mistaking palliative care with hospice care, and you aren’t alone. Palliative care and hospice, or end-of-life, care are commonly thought to be the... READ MORE

Get the facts about flax and stay healthy

By Lori Zanteson
Posted on March 20, 2019

Flaxseeds (flax), tiny and unassuming, may not garner a second glance, but this humble little seed is a big crowd pleaser. One of the oldest cultivated crops, flaxseed has been fully utilized by ancient civilizations. Egyptian mummies were wrapped in linen cloth made from the flax plant. Equally important was its use as food and medicine. Hippocrates, the Greek “Father of Medicine,”... READ MORE

Meds and supps to be taken with food

By Suzy Cohen
Posted on March 19, 2019

There is much confusion about when to take herbal supplements, vitamins and medications. Do you take them on an empty stomach or with food? No matter what you take, you should be drinking a full glass of water to make sure the pill doesn’t linger in your esophagus and cause irritation. When a dietary supplement, enzyme or medication states the directive to “take with food,” it... READ MORE

Bright, crunchy Chinese chicken salad

By America’s Test Kitchen
Posted on March 19, 2019

With its juicy oranges, tender chicken and a crunchy topping, Chinese chicken salad offers an enticing variety of tastes and textures. But many versions seem to have lost their way, weighted down with gloppy sauces, lackluster chicken, sugary canned orange segments and watery greens. We saw the potential to recast this salad in a healthier role by incorporating wholesome ingredients.... READ MORE

What’s your core, and why strengthen it?

By Lauren Elson, M.D.
Posted on March 18, 2019

When most people think about core strength, they think about an abdominal six-pack. While it looks good, this toned outer layer of abdominal musculature is not the same as a strong core. What is your “core” and why is core strength so important? The core is a group of muscles that stabilizes and controls the pelvis and spine (and therefore influences the legs and upper... READ MORE

Tired? Four simple ways to boost energy

By Matthew Solan
Posted on March 15, 2019

When I’m dragging and feeling tired during the occasional low-energy day, my go-to elixir is an extra cup (or two or three) of black French press coffee. It gives my body and brain a needed jolt, but it may not help where I need it the most: my cells. What we call “energy” is actually a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), produced by tiny cellular structures called... READ MORE

Study will try to teach old ears new tricks

By Margaret Foster
Posted on March 14, 2019

You meet an old friend for dinner, and she chooses a lively but loud new restaurant. Although you have a lot to catch up on, you can’t hear a word over the din of your neighbors. Or maybe you’re a BBC fan but can’t always decipher the actors’ accents. Hearing aids aren’t much help in those challenging situations, but a new study that involves training has the potential to... READ MORE