Annual memory checks often forgotten

By Lauran Neergaard
Posted on April 15, 2019

Few older people get their thinking and memory abilities regularly tested during check-ups, according to a new report from the Alzheimer’s Association. Medicare pays for an annual “wellness visit” that is supposed to include what’s called a cognitive assessment — a brief check for some early warning signs of dementia, so people who need a more thorough exam can get... READ MORE

Pneumonia vaccine study may save lives

By Margaret Foster
Posted on April 12, 2019

We’ve all heard tragic stories about the loss of loved ones to pneumonia or complications of pneumonia. It’s especially deadly for older adults. “We are not yet winning the battle against pneumonia,” according to the American Thoracic Society, which notes that pneumonia was one of the most expensive conditions in inpatient hospitalizations, costing nearly $9.5 billion in... READ MORE

Make overnight oatmeal with grandkids

By America’s Test Kitchen
Posted on April 11, 2019

If you think oatmeal only comes in a packet, think again. They know about oatmeal in Ireland and Scotland, where whole-grain, steel-cut oats are popular. Yes, these slightly chewy oats take longer to cook than old-fashioned rolled oats (and way longer than instant oats in a packet), but the results are so much better. To shorten the usual half-hour cooking time, start the process at... READ MORE

Active listening benefits all generations

By Alexis Bentz
Posted on April 10, 2019

There was a poster hanging in my eighth-grade health classroom that I can still visualize. It read in a brightly colored font, “‘Listen’ and ‘silent’ are spelled with the same letters.” That poster echoed the message that we have been taught from an early age but often ignore: that merely hearing, or the act of perceiving sound by the ear, doesn’t cut it. Only by... READ MORE

Volunteers honored for lifetime of service

By Margaret Foster and PJ Feinstein
Posted on April 09, 2019

The Neal Potter Path of Achievement Award is presented each year to two residents of Montgomery County, Md., 60 and above whose accomplishments, enthusiasm and lifelong commitment to volunteer service make them outstanding role models for people of all ages. The award was named to honor the lifetime of achievement of former Montgomery County Executive and Councilmember Neal... READ MORE

Raising voices with joy despite dementia

By Catherine Brown
Posted on April 08, 2019

In a bright, spacious meeting room at Salisbury Presbyterian Church, more than 20 singers gather to rehearse Broadway songs for their spring performance. The Joyful Voices group harmonizes to The Sound of Music, lifting their voices as they sing the opening words: “The hills are alive.” One member of the chorus arrives late, but the moment she walks in the door, her mouth is... READ MORE

Discount dental plans may offer savings

By Matthew Perrone
Posted on April 08, 2019

No dental insurance? You’re not alone. Roughly 1 in 4 Americans, and about half of all older adults, don’t have dental coverage, according to industry figures. Researchers have shown that costs are a bigger obstacle to dental care in the U.S. than all other forms of healthcare. Employers are by far the biggest provider of dental insurance benefits in the U.S., accounting for... READ MORE

Not all calories affect us the same way

By Matthew Kadey, M.D.
Posted on April 05, 2019

A long-held belief is that calories are calories no matter if they hail from bacon or broccoli. Take in fewer calories than you burn; that’s your ticket to winning the battle of the bulge. It’s true that any calorie from a food supplies a set amount of energy. But once eaten, things become more complicated. A newer era of research is making it clear that perhaps not all calories are... READ MORE

Boost your (calorie) burn

By Environmental Nutrition
Posted on April 05, 2019

Make the calories you eat work harder for you. Protein burn: Take advantage of the extra calorie cost associated with digesting protein by including this macronutrient at meals and snacks. Fiber up: It takes more effort to breakdown fiber-rich foods, which means a greater calorie burn during digestion. So get chummy with high-fiber items like legumes and... READ MORE

Killing germs can make us less healthy

By Claire McCarthy
Posted on April 03, 2019

Household disinfectants seem like such a good idea, especially when you have children. After all, children make messes, and killing germs helps keep children healthy, right? Not always, it turns out. Sometimes germs actually keep us healthy and keep us at a healthy weight. More and more, we are learning that not all bacteria are bad. In fact, the bacteria that live naturally in and on ... READ MORE