He brings orchids back from the brink

By Glenda C. Booth
Posted on November 20, 2019

If your orchid looks sickly and droopy, swallow your pride. Extinguish your guilt. Don’t give up. There’s hope — and it’s found through Art Chadwick Jr., of Richmond’s Chadwick & Son Orchids. Orchids have a reputation for being finicky plants, even for experienced gardeners, but Chadwick believes otherwise. People just need to understand these beautiful plants and when they ... READ MORE

Take time to find the right antidepressant

By Suzy Cohen
Posted on November 19, 2019

First, let me say I am not a fan of medicating normal, regular sadness that we encounter in our lives, such as the melancholy associated with losing a job, or when a friend leaves town, or for hormonal cycles. But there are people who are truly depressed and experiencing the urge to harm themselves. We need to be loving and gentle with them, and if they need medicine, so be it. So... READ MORE

Happy retirees share socializing secrets

By Janet Bodnar
Posted on November 18, 2019

When I asked readers to share their experiences with being single in retirement, you didn’t let me down. Not only did you offer useful advice, but you also came up with out-of-the-box ideas. And all of your stories are just as valuable for retirees who have a spouse or partner. Not surprisingly, a number of you recommended volunteering as a way to socialize. For example, Ed... READ MORE

So many different benefits of gardening

By  Emma Patch
Posted on November 18, 2019

Each autumn, the fruits of the harvest fill the shelves of local groceries and farmers markets, a colorful reminder of the many nutritional benefits of fresh produce. But growing your own produce offers equally sustaining, though perhaps less visible, benefits. Beyond reduced grocery expenses, gardening offers many positive effects financially. A garden may be a good way to improve... READ MORE

When does drinking become a problem?

By Marcelo Campos, M.D.
Posted on November 18, 2019

The rise of the opioid epidemic in the U.S. has rightly caught our attention, but overshadowed a much more common problem: alcohol. Stories about underage drinking, blacking out and harmful behavior associated with alcohol use are common. In the U.S. from 2006 to 2010, 88,000 deaths annually, or almost 10% of all deaths, were associated with alcohol. While many people are becoming... READ MORE

3 delicious chicken rubs and marinades

By EatingWell.com
Posted on November 15, 2019

If you have soy sauce, garlic powder, paprika, balsamic vinegar and garlic in your pantry you can throw together a flavorful rub or marinade in minutes. That’s all you need to take chicken breast from flat to bodacious, upping its juiciness without sacrificing its lean profile. Even better, when you opt for a homemade marinade over store-bought, you can skip the preservatives,... READ MORE

How to learn about health studies for you

By Margaret Foster
Posted on November 15, 2019

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer or another disease, medical researchers need you. Patients can choose to add their name and medical information to a “disease registry,” a secure database of people who suffer from a particular disease. Together, they form a cohort or group that researchers can learn from over time in the hopes of finding cures. It’s also useful for... READ MORE

Leaky gut could be causing your problems

By Matthew Solan
Posted on November 14, 2019

Leaky gut gets blamed for everything from everyday stomach issues to pain to anxiety, yet it is one of the most mysterious ailments to diagnose and treat. Part of the reason for this medical mystery is because the digestive system is vast and complex. “Science continues to find new ways that the gut can influence everything from heart health to keeping our brains young,” said Alessio ... READ MORE

CoQ10, St. John’s Wort and Vitamin E

By Bridget Cassady
Posted on November 14, 2019

I. Coenzyme Q10 You’ve undoubtedly heard about Coenzyme Q10 or saw a bottle in the supplement aisle at your local pharmacy. But what is it and what does it do? Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone or CoQ10, is a compound that has a critical role in energy production within the cells of the body. It is synthesized in most tissues in humans, with high concentrations in the... READ MORE

Five things to do before cancer treatment

By Cleveland Clinic
Posted on November 13, 2019

If you just found out you need cancer treatment, there are ways to prepare yourself. Being ready will help you overcome the uncertainty and anxiety that so often goes along with starting treatment. No matter what, remember who’s in charge: you! Too many people don’t realize that they — not their doctors — are in charge of their own health. Here are five things you should do to ... READ MORE