Peruvian rice and chicken dish shines
Peruvian arroz con pollo originated in the seaside city of Chiclayo as arroz con pato, where it featured native duck and chicha de jora, a fermented corn beer that dates to the Inca Empire. Over time, Peruvians adapted to the lack of, or expense of, these ingredients by swapping in chicken and malty beer. The one-pot meal of succulent chicken parts and savory, fluffy rice enhanced by... READ MORE
Simple test may help men avoid biopsies
[Ed. Note: Many doctors caring for older men like to track the results of a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), changes in which can indicate increased risk for prostate cancer.] When a PSA blood test produces an abnormal result, the next step is usually a prostate biopsy. A biopsy can confirm or rule out a cancer diagnosis, but it also has certain drawbacks. Prostate... READ MORE
Top 10 most-Googled health questions
Navigating health information online can be overwhelming. This article explores the answers to the most-Googled health questions asked during 2023 and 2024. Are you curious to know what everyone is asking “Dr. Google?” In no particular order, let’s find out. How can I lower my blood pressure? Lowering blood pressure involves dietary changes, regular exercise, stress management,... READ MORE
Smartphone use at night imperils sleep
Like many of us, Jessica Peoples has heard the warnings about excessive screen time at night. Still, she estimates spending 30 to 60 minutes on her phone before going to sleep, mostly scrolling through social media. “Recently, I’ve been trying to limit the amount,” said Peoples, a discrimination investigator with the state of New Jersey. “I do notice that how much time I spend... READ MORE
Causes and treatment of night blindness
Animals renowned for their outstanding night vision include owls, cats and even the dung beetle. But humans? Not so much. Over time, many people suffer from night blindness, also known as nyctalopia. This condition makes seeing in dim or dark settings difficult because your eyes cannot adjust to changes in brightness or detect light. Night blindness is especially problematic and... READ MORE
Ankle swelling and shortness of breath
Q: I tend to get ankle swelling on hot days. But now it seems more constant. What might cause the change? A: Lower leg and foot swelling is most often the result of an abnormal fluid buildup. Doctors call it edema. Because fluid flows downhill, it pools in the lowest parts of your body. Excess fluid retention can be triggered by many things, including summer heat, eating too much... READ MORE
Facing age-related macular degeneration
Dear Savvy Senior, Is macular degeneration hereditary? My mother lost much of her vision from it before she died, and now at age 65, I’m concerned I may get it too. What can you tell me? —Brown-Eyed Betty Dear Betty, Unfortunately, having a parent or sibling with macular degeneration does indeed increase your risk of getting it by three to four times. But the good news is... READ MORE
Yes, you can reduce some food’s calories
Calorie counts are everywhere: stamped on packaged foods, plastered on restaurant menu boards, and accompanying recipes in magazines. They’re inescapable. And many of us pay a great deal of attention to these numbers in the name of calorie-controlled eating. In recent years, however, scientific studies have cast doubt on the way calories in some foods are measured and how we typically... READ MORE
NIA study seeks way to prevent diabetes
Strawberries, raspberries and nuts are delicious. Can they also prevent diabetes? The National Institute on Aging needs your help to determine whether a nutritional supplement can help regulate blood sugar — and perhaps stave off type 2 diabetes. When we eat foods like pomegranates, berries, walnuts and pecans, our bodies produce something called urolithin A. It’s also sold in... READ MORE
There are benefits to couples sleeping separately
Michael Solender and his wife have been together for 42 years. They slept in the same bed for the first 10, taking to separate rooms after that. Their sleep separation was due to his developing chronic and heavy snoring that eventually led to a diagnosis of sleep apnea and his use of a CPAP machine. After the machine eliminated his snoring, they continue to sleep apart in their... READ MORE