NIH seeks leukemia patients for studies
Fatigue. Weight loss. Night sweats. Frequent infections. Some people with these symptoms are shocked when their doctor diagnoses them with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), a slow-moving cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Although the disease is serious, a diagnosis is not an immediate death sentence; in fact, doctors don’t treat early-stage CLL at all, preferring to monitor its... READ MORE
Mindful eating (and why you should try it)
Mindfulness is a major buzzword right now and rightly so. Becoming more mindful — that is, aware of the present moment — can be life-changing. It can help you react more calmly and thoughtfully in any situation, whether you’re stuck in traffic, dealing with a difficult boss or making food choices. And mindfulness isn’t just a New Age theory. Its benefits are backed by plenty... READ MORE
Drug may reduce stroke, heart attack risk
Every year, about 795,000 people suffer a stroke and about 805,000 people have heart attacks, according to the CDC. Furthermore, people with a history of stroke or heart disease and who are overweight are at risk for another stroke or heart attack. Now a massive study of 17,500 people in more than 700 locations around the world, including 200 in the U.S., is underway to help increase... READ MORE
Opioid overdose: Don’t blame the patient
As someone who knows people — including loved ones — who are dependent on opioids, I agreed for a long time with the 67% of Americans blaming drug users for their opioid-use disorder. That is, until I met Billy. Billy (not his real name, to protect privacy) was an intelligent student who was close to his sister and mother. At age 16, after ACL surgery, he was prescribed opioids for... READ MORE
Understanding chronic fatigue syndrome
Researchers hooked Zach Ault to medical monitors as he slowly climbed onto a gym bike in Bethesda, Maryland. An invisible disease is sidelining this once avid athlete. He knew the simple exercise would wipe him out — but Ault was pedaling for science. Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of medicine’s most vexing mysteries. Now doctors at the National Institutes of Health are using... READ MORE
Chocolate spice cookies offer subtle kick
If you’ve been a reader of my column, you know you can expect one thing from me as surely as the fact that I love to help people cook and eat the best food possible: When winter rolls around, at some point I’m going to turn my attention to cookies. My love of baking goes back to my earliest childhood memories. Every year, the kitchen of our little home in the southern Austrian town... READ MORE
How do nutritionists and dieticians differ?
Are you thinking about hiring a nutrition expert to assist with your health goals? Registered dietitian or a nutritionist? What’s the difference? Registered Dietitians (R.D.) and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (R.D.N.) earn a bachelor’s degree with course work approved by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Many also have a master’s degree or doctorate degree. They... READ MORE
The value in steroid injections, placebos
Q: I was going to ask my doctor for a steroid injection in my knee that has osteoarthritis, but I heard the steroid shots can do more harm than good. Is that true? A: Osteoarthritis is a common and potentially debilitating condition. It’s a degenerative joint disease (often called the “wear-and-tear” type) in which the smooth lining of cartilage becomes thinned and uneven, exposing ... READ MORE
Changing the ways we think about aging
What does it mean to age “successfully”? Does it mean remaining physically fit and bustling about the gym into our 90s? Being able to volunteer to help others around you? Does it mean you’re retired and surrounded by grandkids? Or simply that you’re happy to still be alive? These are the kinds of questions that concern Tracey Bobrowitz Gendron, associate professor and chair of ... READ MORE
Alcohol poisoning can sneak up on you
Alcohol poisoning can occur when a person drinks large quantities of alcohol — including beer, wine or liquor — in a relatively short time. As the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream increases, the liver can’t break down the alcohol and remove its toxins from the blood quickly enough. The excess alcohol acts as a depressant and causes parts of the brain that control vital body... READ MORE