Understanding COVID’s divergent results

By Lauran Neergaard and Candice Choi
Posted on November 10, 2020

One of COVID-19’s scariest mysteries is why some people are mildly ill or have no symptoms, while others rapidly die — and scientists are starting to unravel why. An international team of researchers found that in some people with severe COVID-19, the body goes rogue and attacks one of its own key immune defenses instead of fighting the coronavirus. Most were men, helping to explain... READ MORE

Can ice cream be healthy — or healthier?

By Matthew Kadey
Posted on November 09, 2020

When it comes to frosty treats, ice cream reigns supreme. These days, you may have noticed that low-calorie options ranging in flavors from Birthday S’mores to Cookie Dough are one of the coolest food trends in the supermarket freezer aisle. Their growth owes largely to a desire for wellness, even in the dessert world. But isn’t healthy ice cream an oxymoron? Well, certain ice... READ MORE

Two area COVID studies offering plasma

By Margaret Foster
Posted on November 06, 2020

As the pandemic continues, scientists are working hard to find effective treatments to prevent COVID-19 or decrease the severity of symptoms — without hospitalization. One of those possible treatments is from blood; specifically, human coronavirus immune plasma. Patients receive a plasma transfusion from someone who has defeated and recovered from COVID-19, and antibodies in that... READ MORE

When anxiety disorders magnify COVID-19

By John Sharp, M.D.
Posted on November 05, 2020

These days, we all have to accept the anxiety inherent in living in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. If there was a way to dispel all anxious feelings, I’d tell you, but there isn’t. The one exception might be someone who could summon such a degree of denial that they carry on as if everything was normal. And that would be very unwise. Anxiety helps us prepare to respond to... READ MORE

Squash buyer’s guide

By Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough
Posted on November 03, 2020

All varieties of delicious winter squash are packed with the antioxidants alpha and beta carotene. Here you’ll find some tips on what varieties to look for and how to choose them. Shopping tips Choose squash that is very hard: press firmly all over to make sure the rind isn’t soft (a sign of immaturity or improper storage). Look for vivid colors — the skin color should not look... READ MORE

Get your flu shot now — it’s not too late

By Lauran Neergaard
Posted on November 02, 2020

A record number of flu vaccine doses are on the way — between 194 million and 198 million for the U.S. alone — seemingly plenty considering last year just under half of adults got vaccinated and there usually are leftovers. Still, there’s no way to know how many will seek shots this year and some people occasionally are finding drugstores or clinics temporarily out of stock. Be... READ MORE

Mobile app may help caregivers manage

By Margaret Foster
Posted on October 30, 2020

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or dementia, there’s a new mobile app in development that could help. Research has found that routine and structure help patients with dementia. One way to stay organized is through your smartphone. Once downloaded on an iPhone, the app, called Mantrah, can help manage your condition and improve quality of... READ MORE

Some tips to counteract the winter blues

By Abigale Matulewicz
Posted on October 28, 2020

Q: With the start of fall and daylight savings time approaching, is it true that some people feel “blue” during the cooler months just because there isn’t as much daylight? online pharmacy purchase tamiflu without prescription with best prices today in the USA A online pharmacy propecia buy with best prices today in the USA : While October brings fall leaves, pumpkins and welcome... READ MORE

Third virus vaccine in final U.S. testing

By Lauran Neergaard and Carla K. Johnson
Posted on October 22, 2020

A handful of the dozens of experimental COVID-19 vaccines in human testing have reached the last and biggest hurdle — looking for the needed proof that they really work. Once a vaccine wins approval, the first limited doses will need to be rationed. Last month, a U.S. advisory panel suggested some ways that can happen. Three vaccine candidates began final testing this summer in tens ... READ MORE

Good news for pre- and Type 2 diabetics

By Alyson Kelley-Hedgepeth, M.D.
Posted on October 20, 2020

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic disorder of insulin resistance — a reduced sensitivity to the action of insulin — which leads to high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia. Approximately 12% of American adults have T2D, and more than one-third of Americans have prediabetes, a precursor to T2D. This is a major public health concern, as T2D dramatically increases risk for heart disease... READ MORE