What acupuncture does Medicare cover?

By Jim Miller
Posted on February 02, 2021

Dear Savvy Senior: Is acupuncture a viable treatment for pain and is it covered by Medicare? Since the pandemic hit, I have a lot of lower back and neck pain and am wondering if it’s worth trying. What can you tell me? —Looking for Solutions Dear Looking: online pharmacy order cytotec without prescription with best prices today in the USA Many studies over the years —... READ MORE

Study pays volunteers 60+ to exercise

By Margaret Foster
Posted on February 01, 2021

What’s the best way to prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease? It might be by exercising several days a week. If that sounds daunting, consider enrolling in a study at the University of Maryland, which pays you to work out in your home for four hours a week. The Exercise for Brain Health — Fight Against Alzheimer’s Disease study (E4BH-FAD) began in early 2019, but had to cancel... READ MORE

Blood test for Alzheimer’s now available

By Marilynn Marchione
Posted on January 28, 2021

A company has started selling the first blood test to help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease — a leap for the field that could make it much easier for people to learn whether they have dementia. It also raises concern about the accuracy and impact of such life-altering news. Independent experts are leery because key test results have not been published, and the test has not been approved... READ MORE

Medicare to cover hospital care at home

By Linda A. Johnson
Posted on January 27, 2021

Hospitals will be allowed to care for Medicare patients in their own homes during the pandemic under a government program called Acute Hospital Care at Home, announced in November. It is designed to help hospitals deal with the latest surge. Some hospitals already offer patients with private insurance the choice of getting care at home instead of in the hospital. The pandemic... READ MORE

Editing genes may end sickle cell disease

By Marion Renault
Posted on January 25, 2021

Scientists are seeing promising early results from the first studies testing gene editing for painful, inherited blood disorders that plague millions worldwide, especially Black people. Doctors hope the one-time treatment, which involves permanently altering DNA in blood cells with a tool called CRISPR, may treat and possibly cure sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia. Partial... READ MORE

If someone in your home has COVID…

By Margaret Foster
Posted on January 20, 2021

You’ve been vigilant throughout the pandemic, wearing masks, avoiding close contact with people — but now someone in your household has come down with COVID. Your odds of contracting the virus are as high as 50%, according to one study. What do you do? First, of course, quarantine the sick person, and wear a mask indoors. Second, consider enrolling in a Johns Hopkins study at Green... READ MORE

Overview of video chat services, devices

By Ann Marie Maloney
Posted on January 15, 2021

What’s the key to staying in touch with others this winter? The ability to enjoy all the face time you want with people outside your household while still practicing social distancing. And that means more virtual visits. By now, most people are accustomed to using technology for face-to-face conversations. “It became a part of my life, seeing people in two dimensions instead of... READ MORE

Vaccines won’t end COVID-19 right away

By Candice Choi
Posted on January 13, 2021

Don’t even think of putting the mask away anytime soon. Despite the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines in December, it could take several months — probably well into 2021 — before things get back to something close to normal in the U.S. and Americans can once again go to the movies, cheer at an NBA game or give Grandma a hug. “If you’re fighting a battle and the cavalry is on the... READ MORE

Tweaks that can make recipes healthier

By Suzy Cohen
Posted on January 04, 2021

When cooking this winter, use these recipe tweaks to make everything healthier. These ideas are designed to improve immune function. Don’t be afraid to experiment in the kitchen with different healing herbs and spices. Slivers of Swiss chard Dark leafy greens are dense in nutrients. Add one large green leaf of Swiss chard to a big salad — just make sure to cut it into thin pieces or... READ MORE

COVID got you down? A study needs you

By Margaret Foster
Posted on December 22, 2020

As Shakespeare put it in Richard III online pharmacy buy sildalis online no prescription , now is the winter of our discontent. Although a vaccine is on the way, in the meantime, most of us must stay home and continue to avoid friends and family. If you’re feeling stressed or have symptoms of depression (fatigue, sadness, lack of interest in activities) during the pandemic, Johns... READ MORE