Eating seasonal is healthy, saves money
As peak summer approaches in Sicily, Anna Fiannaca prefers the peppers, eggplants and zucchini her brothers grow over the packaged food in the supermarket. The 89-year-old cooks everything from scratch and eats mostly vegetarian. But she attributes much of her continued good health to adjusting her diet to what is most available throughout the year. “It was just the way of life... READ MORE
How to find local volunteer opportunities
Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend some good organizations or websites for locating interesting volunteer opportunities? I’ve been doing some volunteer work since I retired last year, but most of the jobs I’ve tried haven’t been very fun or satisfying. —Retired Volunteer Dear Retired, Volunteering is a great way for retirees to make a positive contribution to... READ MORE
Understanding heart failure, pacemakers
Q: I was recently diagnosed with mild heart failure. But my echocardiogram showed a normal ejection fraction. Why would I still have heart failure? A: Heart failure conjures up the image of your heart suddenly stopping. But it actually means the heart is not pumping as it should. Impairments in pumping action can develop in the entire heart or just the left or right side. Most... READ MORE
Implanted device may reduce back pain
Dear Mayo Clinic: For the last 20 years, I’ve worked a physically demanding job. As a result, chronic back pain has been an issue. I’m ready to retire and want to enjoy activities, such as traveling, golf and playing with my grandkids, pain-free. What options are available to help alleviate and manage my pain? I’ve been told I’m not a candidate for back... READ MORE
Two ways to practice mindful meditation
Many years ago, I worked at the magazine Yoga Journal. Our small editorial team created thousands of stories highlighting the many uplifting qualities of the physical, mental and spiritual practice of yoga. Ironically, it also was one of the most stressful work environments I’d seen. Even though the magazine’s topics were about calmness, attentiveness and inner growth, we dealt... READ MORE
E-cigarettes reduce harm from smoking
In June, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first menthol-flavored electronic cigarettes for adult smokers, acknowledging that vaping flavors can reduce the harms of traditional tobacco smoking. The FDA said it authorized four menthol e-cigarettes from Njoy, the vaping brand recently acquired by tobacco giant Altria, which also sells Marlboro cigarettes. The decision... READ MORE
Peruvian rice and chicken dish shines
Peruvian arroz con pollo originated in the seaside city of Chiclayo as arroz con pato, where it featured native duck and chicha de jora, a fermented corn beer that dates to the Inca Empire. Over time, Peruvians adapted to the lack of, or expense of, these ingredients by swapping in chicken and malty beer. The one-pot meal of succulent chicken parts and savory, fluffy rice enhanced by... READ MORE
Simple test may help men avoid biopsies
[Ed. Note: Many doctors caring for older men like to track the results of a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), changes in which can indicate increased risk for prostate cancer.] When a PSA blood test produces an abnormal result, the next step is usually a prostate biopsy. A biopsy can confirm or rule out a cancer diagnosis, but it also has certain drawbacks. Prostate... READ MORE
Top 10 most-Googled health questions
Navigating health information online can be overwhelming. This article explores the answers to the most-Googled health questions asked during 2023 and 2024. Are you curious to know what everyone is asking “Dr. Google?” In no particular order, let’s find out. How can I lower my blood pressure? Lowering blood pressure involves dietary changes, regular exercise, stress management,... READ MORE
Smartphone use at night imperils sleep
Like many of us, Jessica Peoples has heard the warnings about excessive screen time at night. Still, she estimates spending 30 to 60 minutes on her phone before going to sleep, mostly scrolling through social media. “Recently, I’ve been trying to limit the amount,” said Peoples, a discrimination investigator with the state of New Jersey. “I do notice that how much time I spend... READ MORE