How dairy stacks up to plant-based beverages
Dear Mayo Clinic: Since I was a kid, I’ve been drinking milk with breakfast and dinner as my primary beverage. But looking in the grocery store coolers these days, there are so many options other than cow’s milk. Are plant-based milks like soy or almond milk healthier options? online pharmacy buy seroquel no prescription online pharmacy... READ MORE
Choose the healthiest canned foods
Whether you’re trying to eat healthy on a budget or consolidate trips to the grocery store, canned foods are pantry essentials. If you know what to look for, canned foods can make for nutritious additions to meals and snacks. As a bonus, canned foods are typically much cheaper and last longer than their fresh or frozen counterparts. Here are a few of the best healthy canned foods to keep... READ MORE
Exercise helps fibromyalgia — here’s how
If you have fibromyalgia and you’re in pain, exercising is probably the last thing you feel like doing. Many people with fibromyalgia already struggle to get through their regular daily activities. Adding exercise on top of that may seem insurmountable. And pain and exhaustion can make it difficult to start and stick with regular workouts. Experts agree, however, that exercise is... READ MORE
Fiber helps your gut and protects your heart
As part of a healthy diet, fiber is a nutrient most associated with keeping the digestive tract regular and — thanks to the marketing on the oatmeal container — lowering cholesterol. But fiber’s role in the body goes way beyond regularity, and one of fiber’s most important roles stems from the influence that gut health has on heart health. To put it simply, a healthier gut means... READ MORE
Staying sun-safe in the summertime
Q: Every summer I love being outdoors, but I am really concerned about the sun damaging my skin. I always try to use sunscreen when I’m outdoors — is there anything else I should do to protect my skin from sun damage? A online pharmacy purchase minocin online no prescription : Summertime always brings lots of memories, fun and sun. To maximize your fun it is important to remember ... READ MORE
Now is a great time to sip peppermint tea
Made from the dried leaves of the peppermint plant, peppermint tea is an herbal infusion with a fresh, soothing flavor. And unless it’s mixed with green, black or white tea (check the label), peppermint tea is a caffeine-free, tea-free, zero-calorie beverage that packs many health benefits in a small package. Peppermint tea can be enjoyed iced or hot, and a cup or two daily is the... READ MORE
Prescriptions to cure loneliness abound
The stranger’s call came when Dianne Green needed it most. Alone in the Chicago home where she’d raised four kids, Green had never felt lonelier. She was grieving recently deceased relatives and too fearful of COVID-19 to see her grandkids and great-grandbabies. Then, one day last spring, her cell phone lit up. The cheerful voice on the line was Janine Blezien, a nurse from a... READ MORE
Study predicts dementia via driving data
Tracking drivers’ behaviors can predict dementia, according to a recent study by Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Researchers developed algorithms for detecting mild cognitive impairment and dementia in older drivers, according to the study’s findings, published in the journal Geriatrics this ... READ MORE
For the healthiest hot dogs, go natural
From Memorial Day to Labor Day, hot dogs are a cookout staple. So, if you’re in charge of the shopping, here’s what to keep in mind to pick franks that are reasonably healthy and tasty. The biggest stumbling block is sodium. Several dogs on the market have over 600 mg — and that’s before the bun and condiments. Plus, know the terms on the package, as there’s a whole host of... READ MORE
What to do about chronically itchy skin
The average person is estimated to scratch an itch on their body about a hundred times a day, and that is considered pretty normal. But what if you have a chronic itch? The scratching could be nonstop, and you could scratch yourself to the point of bleeding, risking infection. Itching is one of those symptoms that will drive you mad unless you get to the root cause and treat it. This can ... READ MORE