Frozen vegetables, fruit are good choices

By Matthew Kadey
Posted on January 26, 2022

Nearly every health expert will be quick to tell you that it’s a good idea to load up your shopping cart with more vegetables and fruits. Their unique nutritional stew of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals is key to lasting health. But sometimes fresh options in the produce aisle don’t look so fresh and are expensive, especially when out of season locally. That’s when... READ MORE

Half of cancer experiments not replicable

By Carla K. Johnson
Posted on January 24, 2022

Eight years ago, a team of researchers launched a project to carefully repeat early but influential lab experiments in cancer research. They recreated 50 experiments, the type of preliminary research with mice and test tubes that sets the stage for new cancer drugs. The results reported in December: About half the scientific claims didn’t hold up. “The truth is we fool ourselves.... READ MORE

Strategies to stop sugar cravings now

By Suzy Cohen
Posted on January 20, 2022

I feel like in winter I go into hibernation mode: I put on weight and just crawl into bed earlier than I should. Do you feel that way when it gets dark at 5 p.m.? Do you want to eat whenever you watch the news or a scary movie? It happens to all of us; you’re not alone. If your cravings have increased due to going overboard on holiday treats, or even from stress and the current... READ MORE

Healthy volunteers sought for paid study

By Margaret Foster
Posted on January 18, 2022

Did you know that diabetes not only affects the heart and circulation but the mind, too? Persons with type 2 diabetes have roughly double the risk of dementia than adults without diabetes. Even adults in the early stages of diabetes before diagnosis show lower cognitive function, although researchers don’t understand exactly how diabetes and cognitive decline are connected. This spring ... READ MORE

Eating healthy? A diet can be ‘too clean’

By Matthew Kadey
Posted on January 11, 2022

We’ve all heard the term “clean eating” and how it’s supposed to give us picture-perfect health. For good health, there is obviously nothing wrong with striving to eat fewer processed foods and cooking from scratch more often. But for some people, the quest to clean up their diet can veer into a problematic preoccupation with what they are putting on their plate. In a... READ MORE

Studying a drug to prevent heart attacks

By Margaret Foster
Posted on January 06, 2022

Heart disease is the number-one cause of death in America, accounting for 1 in 4 deaths in a normal year. According to the CDC, before the pandemic about 659,000 Americans died from heart disease each year. Many of us know someone who has had a heart attack or takes medication to prevent one. Common heart disease medications include statins, beta-blockers, diuretics and ACE... READ MORE

COVID News — January 2022

By The Associated Press
Posted on January 04, 2022

How to protect against omicron How can you protect yourself from the new omicron variant? The same way you guard against COVID-19 caused by any other variant: Get vaccinated if you haven’t yet, get a booster if you’re eligible, and step up other precautions you may have relaxed, like wearing a mask and avoiding crowds. It will take a few more weeks to learn key aspects about this ... READ MORE

Try a variety of cardiovascular exercises

By Mayo Clinic Staff
Posted on December 30, 2021

Dear Mayo Clinic: Heart disease runs in my family, so I try to eat a mostly Mediterranean diet and get plenty of exercise. Lately, though, I feel stuck in a rut when it comes to my cardio workout. Do you have any advice for exciting exercises to improve my cardiovascular health? A: Eating well and exercising are key elements of a heart-heathy lifestyle, but choosing the right type of ... READ MORE

Meds that can cause hair loss (and a fix)

By Suzy Cohen
Posted on December 30, 2021

I was talking with a friend who said she is suddenly experiencing hair loss, and that it is very disappointing to her because it appears to be getting worse. She was leaning on me for advice because, she said, “I can’t look in the mirror anymore.” She has tried all the expensive shampoos and color treatments; she has asked her doctor; and she has finally accepted the reality of... READ MORE

Chicken and mushroom orzo “risotto”

By Family Features
Posted on December 29, 2021

Winter is a critical time to eat healthy foods, which can keep your immune system in tip-top shape to fend off viruses. Many fruits and vegetables support a healthy immune system. Researchers have concluded there are a variety of micronutrients important for supporting a healthy immune system. They’re all familiar: vitamin A, B, C, D, E, iron, selenium and zinc. You can get vitamin... READ MORE