Pea protein is good non-dairy alternative

By Matthew Kadey
Posted on August 25, 2022

As the popularity of plant-based eating rises, protein sources from the plant kingdom have been flooding the food market. From hemp to sacha inchi online pharmacy purchase singulair online generic online pharmacy purchase amoxil without prescription with best prices today in the USA buy buspar online no prescription to peanut,... READ MORE

Participants sought for a Maryland study

By Margaret Foster
Posted on August 23, 2022

If you’d like to be part of a new research program whose goal is to improve the health of Marylanders, the University of Maryland School of Medicine wants to hear from you. Researchers are seeking to engage 250,000 Marylanders to build a resource that will enable a broad range of health- and disease-related research. They’ll use surveys and other health information as well as DNA... READ MORE

Treatment varies for rotator cuff injuries

By Christopher Camp, M.D.
Posted on August 19, 2022

Dear Mayo Clinic: I have been experiencing pain in my right shoulder every time I hit the tennis court, and when I try to lift objects at home. How do I know if I tore my rotator cuff? What are the options for treatment, and can I get back to playing? A: People can injure their rotator cuff in several ways. Accordingly, it can be hard to know if that is the primary source of your... READ MORE

Getting therapy when cost is a barrier

By Sara Rathner
Posted on August 17, 2022

The race to find mental health treatment can feel like a marathon when you may not have the energy or ability to even make it to the starting line. You may be faced with limited affordable options and a lack of available therapists. “Prior to the pandemic, we had an inadequate workforce to meet the mental health demand of the country,” said Vaile Wright, who has a doctorate in... READ MORE

Prostate cancer screening after age 70

By Howard LeWine, M.D.
Posted on August 15, 2022

Q: I just celebrated my 70th birthday and am due for my yearly doctor visit. How does a man decide whether to continue PSA testing for prostate cancer? A: While some guidelines suggest stopping prostate cancer screening after age 70, the decision to continue depends on your general health and life expectancy. The reason: Most prostate cancers are low-grade and will not shorten a... READ MORE

Learn your hunger cues to limit cravings

By Steve Calechman
Posted on August 11, 2022

The challenge with resisting food is, well, the food. It tastes good. It looks good. It smells really good, and when we see everyone eating pizza, ice cream and chips, we want in. Then we eat too much and swear that we’ll do better, but when the next time comes… We know that what we’re eating isn’t healthy, but no matter how hard we try, resisting feels impossible. It helps to ... READ MORE

Grapes pair well with fish and vegetables

By Family Features
Posted on August 09, 2022

Grapes are a popular and convenient fruit that can also be an ally in wellness, offering an abundance of health benefits that can help you get (and stay) on the right track. They can go with you on hikes and bike rides or to the gym as a healthy and hydrating source of energy. With no need to peel, cut, core or slice, grapes are perfectly portable when you’re on the... READ MORE

Distracted? Meditation improves focus

By Matthew Solan
Posted on August 05, 2022

Many, many years ago, I worked at the magazine Yoga Journal online pharmacy buy cialis-super-active with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy purchase cellcept online generic online pharmacy purchase augmentin without prescription with best prices today in the USA . Our small editorial team created thousands of stories highlighting the many uplifting qualities of the physical,... READ MORE

Is once-daily aspirin still recommended?

By Jim Miller
Posted on August 04, 2022

Dear Savvy Senior, I’ve been taking daily aspirin for almost 20 years now because I have a family history of heart disease. But I recently read that using aspirin is not recommended anymore. What can you tell me about this change in philosophy? —Confused Aspirin User online pharmacy no prescription Dear... READ MORE

Study of potential Alzheimer’s treatment

By Margaret Foster
Posted on August 03, 2022

Alzheimer’s disease starts with mild memory loss. What if there was a pill to prevent the disease from getting worse? Studies of an investigational drug are underway to see if it may be effective in slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in people who carry two copies of a certain gene (APOE/4) that increases the risk of developing it and other dementias. While one in four ... READ MORE