Tired after Covid? A healthy diet could help
Covid affects people in different ways. For some it’s fatal, while others experience no symptoms at all. Others struggle with autoimmune conditions and fatigue months after the infection has resolved — a condition known as long Covid. Now, there’s a new study for people over 50 who have felt tired for months after having Covid. The University of Maryland, with funding from... READ MORE
Sweet chili chicken with zucchini barley
Here’s a way to keep boneless, skinless chicken breasts moist and tasty. I brown the chicken in a skillet, cover with a sweet chili sauce and walnuts, then finish the cooking in the oven. That gives the chicken a nice crust, and the steam from the covered skillet keeps the chicken moist. I wanted to make barley for a side dish and created a way to make it in the microwave with... READ MORE
Key strategies to help improve memory
Q: I am experiencing more minor memory lapses. What can I do to help my memory? A: Keeping the brain as healthy as possible might help delay memory issues and other age-related brain changes. The best way to do that is by living a healthy lifestyle: exercising regularly (at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, like brisk walking), giving yourself the opportunity to... READ MORE
Is there a wrong way, or time, to nap?
Dear Mayo Clinic: I am retired, and although I generally enjoy less hectic days now, I keep busy. Part of my routine includes trying to squeeze in a nap on most afternoons. My wife tells me I'm doing it wrong because I often wake up groggy. Is there a wrong way — or time — to nap? A: Closing your eyes for a few minutes during your busy day may seem like a good idea. It can refresh... READ MORE
There’s a good side to drug side effects?
Drug side effects are common and often quite troublesome. Major side effects, such as severe or even life-threatening allergic reactions, require immediate treatment and discontinuation of the drug. More minor symptoms may be tolerable when weighed against drug benefits. And sometimes, these go away on their own as the body gets used to the drug. But there’s another type of side effect... READ MORE
Creamy pesto-flavored broccoli and pasta
We wanted to make a creamy, complex broccoli pasta that contains an ample amount of the vegetable. We started off by blanching the broccoli stems and florets, a convenient technique since cooking pasta also requires a pot of boiling water. Then we blended the stems and some of the florets with a pesto-inspired roster of ingredients to make a light, fresh vegetable sauce. Adding... READ MORE
Study aims to help those who can’t sleep
We’ve all been there: It’s late at night, but you can’t seem to fall asleep. After you finally catch some winks, you wake up at 4 a.m., raring to go. If you’re over 65 and have trouble sleeping, Johns Hopkins may be able to help. Hoping that exercise can improve sleep and cognitive health, researchers have created an exercise plan that can be done entirely from home. It’s... READ MORE
Stay connected during the holidays
For many, the holiday season is a time of joy and celebration — but it can often bring loneliness and isolation for older adults. Steve Morrison, a volunteer with AARP Virginia, described the holidays as the worst time for isolation — a challenge he knows well after years of caregiving for his wife. He highlighted mobility as a significant issue for older adults with limited... READ MORE
Answers about body fat, varicose veins
Q: I had a body fat measurement done by a company trying to sell me a handheld device. It showed my body fat percentage is 18%. I am a man in my mid-60s. Is that a good number? Aren’t there other ways to estimate body fat without spending money? A: There is no ideal percent of body fat, just as there is no ideal body weight. According to the World Health Organization, men ages ... READ MORE
Understanding knee replacement surgery
Knee replacement surgery replaces parts of injured or worn-out knee joints. This also is known as knee arthroplasty. During the surgery, damaged bone and cartilage are replaced with parts made of metal and plastic. Knee replacement surgery can help ease pain and make the knee work better. To decide whether a knee replacement is right for you, a surgeon checks your knee’s range of... READ MORE