The best tools for reaching and grabbing
Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend some good reacher-grabber tools for seniors with back or hip problems who need help picking things up off the ground? I bought a cheap one a few months ago that doesn’t work very well. I would like to find one that does. —Bad Back Betty Dear Betty, A good “reacher-grabber” is a very practical and popular tool for anyone who struggles with ... READ MORE
Always clearing your throat? What to do
Ahem! Ahem! Ever feel the need to move the mucus that annoyingly sits all the way at the back of your mouth? Most of us do at one time or another. The sensation usually lasts for just a few days when dealing with symptoms of a common cold. But what happens if throat clearing lingers for weeks or months? That nagging feeling may be uncomfortable for the person who has the problem, and... READ MORE
FDA warnings about stem cell therapies
Stem cell therapies may offer the potential to treat diseases or conditions for which few treatments exist. Sometimes called the body’s “master cells,” stem cells are the cells that develop into blood, brain, bones and all of the body’s organs. They have the potential to repair, restore, replace and regenerate cells, and could possibly be used to treat many medical conditions and ... READ MORE
Vets with low back pain wanted for study
Most of us have had at least one bout of lower back pain in our lives. But about half of all veterans have chronic low back pain. Now a study is under way to determine the best way to treat that pain without medication. The nationwide study, known as Sequential and Comparative Evaluation of Pain Treatment Effectiveness Response (SCEPTER), will enroll more than 2,500 U.S. veterans.... READ MORE
Is juice really healthier than whole fruit?
Juicing is on the fast track from fad to full-on health craze. Thanks to an explosion of juice bars and celebrity endorsements, greens, super fruits, celery or beetroot juice straight up are “the new black.” Healthy as these juicy concoctions may seem, there’s a tall order of hype muddling science with slick marketing. Why juices can be good for you Juicing can be a great way to... READ MORE
Frozen corn makes a delicious cornbread
Adding whole corn kernels to the usual cornmeal in a cornbread recipe makes the cornbread extra good. In this recipe, we puree the corn in a blender (along with buttermilk and enough light brown sugar to make the bread pleasantly but not overly sweet), which makes it easy to incorporate while eliminating tough, chewy kernels. This cornbread is great served with chili and is also... READ MORE
Lack of sleep? Here’s what to eat, drink
Sleep is super important — not only for feeling energized and focused, but also for immunity, heart health, glowing skin and weight stabilization. If you have a bad night of sleep, don’t sweat it too much. Lean on the following foods and drinks to help give you a boost until you’re able to get the rest you need: Water: Water is the most important drink when you are short on... READ MORE
How to prevent unhealthy inflammation
Although inflammation serves a vital role in the body’s defense and repair systems, chronic inflammation can cause more harm than good. What can we do about it? In fact, there’s a lot you can do. And you may already be doing it. That’s because some of the most important ways to fight inflammation are measures you should be taking routinely. Let’s take a look at key elements of ... READ MORE
New health study seeks older volunteers
Most of us have never heard of a condition called clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (also known as CHIP). But 10% of people over age 60 have the condition — and may not know it. “It’s really common in older people,” said Emma Groarke, principal investigator of a study on the condition at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). She describes CHIP as “genetic... READ MORE
Health Shorts — February 2023
Your wish is its command Researchers have demonstrated that individuals who cannot voluntarily move the upper and lower parts of their body can, after extensive training, operate wheelchairs with their minds, even in a natural, cluttered environment. In the small study, three persons who were unable to use their arms and legs due to spinal injuries were able to move their wheelchair... READ MORE