Know the hidden secrets of paper towels
Paper towels are a household staple. You wipe your counters with them, dry your hands, and maybe even pat your freshly washed lettuce like I do. But have you ever paused and pondered over what’s lurking within those white sheets? The answers might surprise you. First, let’s talk about how they feel. Ever notice the luxurious softness of VIVA compared to the rugged strength of... READ MORE
Using mindfulness with Type 2 diabetes
Lifestyle changes like regular exercise, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep are cornerstones of self-care for people with Type 2 diabetes. But what about mind-body practices? Can they also help people manage or even treat Type 2 diabetes? An analysis of multiple studies published in the Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine suggests they might. Researchers analyzed 28... READ MORE
Three vaccines recommended for this fall
Dear Savvy Senior, Which vaccines are recommended for those on Medicare this flu season? —Just Turned 65 Dear Just Turned, There are actually three different types of vaccines older adults should consider getting this... READ MORE
50+Expos return to Virginia, Maryland
The Beacon newspaper’s annual in-person 50+Expos return this month. Thousands of older adults and their families are expected to attend the free events, featuring a range of valuable resources, informative speakers, health screenings, volunteer opportunities and entertaining activities tailored to their interests and needs. This year’s 50+Expos will be held at two... READ MORE
Some surprising facts about pistachios
There’s no denying the irresistible pistachio. Its smooth beige shell reveals a peek of the green goodness within. Native to the Middle East, including what is now Turkey, Iran and Syria, pistachios were considered royalty and an aphrodisiac. Chinese legend says they bring good luck to those who hear the shells pop open while sitting under a pistachio tree. Plump with powerful plant ... READ MORE
Causes and treatments for peptic ulcers
Dear Mayo Clinic: Last year, I was diagnosed with heartburn due to a peptic ulcer. My doctor suggested that I see a specialist. Who should I see, and what type of treatment is available? A: Many people will note that they have “heartburn,” and it is important to know that such a symptom could be related to one of several issues in the digestive tract, including peptic ulcer... READ MORE
Does Medicare cover second opinions?
Dear Savvy Senior, The doctor I currently see thinks I need a knee replacement, but I would like to get some other treatment options before I proceed. Does Medicare cover second medical opinions? —Limping Larry Dear Larry, Getting a second medical opinion from another doctor is a smart idea that may offer you a fresh perspective and additional options for treating your knee so you ... READ MORE
Questions re: probiotics, spinal stenosis
Q: Is there a recommended daily intake of probiotics? A: There are two ways to get more good bacteria into your gut: fermented foods and dietary supplements. Fermented foods are the most natural source. Probiotic supplements, which are typically sold over the counter, are reserved to treat specific ailments as suggested by your doctor and are not recommended for everyday use. Plus,... READ MORE
What is a liquid diet and is it healthy?
In America, there is no shortage of diets to cling to: Paleo, plant-based, keto, DASH — all with their merits and pitfalls. Another popular choice is the liquid diet, or the so-called “juice cleanse.” Whether you drink juices, blender shakes, tea, broths or soups, liquid diets are nutrition programs that direct you to get either some, most or all of your daily calories from liquids ... READ MORE
Is it normal memory loss or worrisome?
Dear Mayo Clinic: My mom is in her 80s, and I’ve noticed that her memory seems to be slipping. Sometimes she forgets a person’s name or can’t recall what she did the day before. Is it normal to have these types of lapses at her age, or should I be worried they are signs of something more serious? A: It is understandable that you are concerned about changes in your mother’s... READ MORE