Test a new combo flu and Covid vaccine
When children get immunized for measles, mumps and rubella, they get one shot, known as MMR. Same with diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis, or DTaP. So why not bundle the flu shot with a Covid vaccine? A study of a combined flu and Covid vaccine is under way now at Velocity Clinical Research in Rockville, Maryland. “Right now, we have a Covid vaccine and we have a ... READ MORE
Causes and treatments for ear infections
Dear Mayo Clinic: I swim for exercise and relaxation. I try to get in the pool about three times a week. Recently, I have begun to have episodes where it feels like water is still in my ear. Then my ear becomes red and painful. A friend suggested I might have swimmer’s ear. Is this something that is easy to treat? Do I need to stop swimming? A: Swimmer’s ear is an infection... READ MORE
Avoid holiday anxiety, shopping stress
The other day I realized why I feel stressed in stores lately. I feel inundated with Halloween decorations, Thanksgiving and even Christmas paraphernalia. I’m nowhere near holly or jolly right now; I’m still wearing shorts. There used to be some separation in the old days, remember that? Halloween was often the turning point in the year, but now there are shameful displays that begin ... READ MORE
Answers on chronic inflammation, earwax
Q: I hear so much about the dangers of chronic inflammation. What dietary changes can I make to reduce the risks? A: Diet plays an important role in chronic inflammation, most likely due to the ingredients in the foods and beverages we ingest and the bacteria that populate our intestines, known as our microbiome. These intestinal bacteria release chemicals that may spur or suppress... READ MORE
The buzz on honey and its many benefits
The buzz on honey and its many benefits Honey, a luscious, golden elixir, has not only graced our breakfast tables and sweetened our tea, but has been revered for its medicinal benefits for millennia. While it’s a natural sweet treat for many, there are some intriguing facts about honey that may surprise you. Here are the top five medicinal magic properties of honey: It’s... READ MORE
Can personal training help prevent falls?
As we age, balance begins to decline, starting at about age 50, according to most research. Of course, lack of balance can lead to devastating falls. Researchers at the University of Maryland and Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center are recruiting 100 people 65 and older for a study involving personal training to try to reduce fall risk. “The long-term goal of this research is... READ MORE
Energy-boosting alternatives to coffee
When you’re low on energy, is it worth trying yerba mate, yaupon tea, matcha and other beverages that promise similar energy perks and health benefits as coffee and tea? Often marketed as wellness drinks, coffee alternatives like these are trending, according to the International Food Information Council. So, how do a few popular alternatives stack up nutritionally? Do they rely on... READ MORE
Expanded treatment options for migraine
Dear Mayo Clinic: I’ve had migraines since I was a teenager. My pediatrician said it was likely hormonal since they often occurred during my menstrual cycle. Over the years, I have tried various prescription and over-the-counter medications to treat migraines, as well as preventive therapies, but I continue to struggle. I feel as if my headache days are increasing. I often miss work... READ MORE
Ideas for building a satisfying breakfast
Breakfast may be the least popular meal of the day. Hunger, time, motivation — whatever it is, plenty of research suggests that breaking the nightly fast is healthier than skipping it altogether. Still, it can be a challenge. And, let’s face it, American breakfast foods are generally not ideal. We favor foods like processed meats (bacon, sausage), pastries, and high-sugar cereals.... READ MORE
Fruits that indulge your sugar cravings
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying something sweet, if you have a hard-to-satisfy sweet tooth, looking for alternatives that will help scratch the itch — sans added sugar — is a great way to support your health in the long run. Enter fruit. Here is a roundup of six especially sweet fruits, all recommended by food experts, that can serve as great substitutes when... READ MORE