Make room in your diet for tiny flaxseeds

By Lori Zanteson
Posted on January 26, 2024

Not so long ago, flaxseed was trending high on the health food scene. If this superfood has fallen off your radar in recent years, now’s the time to bring it back and find room for flax in your diet and your pantry. This tiny seed is mighty in nutritional value and is associated with several health benefits. “Flaxseeds provide dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens... READ MORE

Ways apples can help with weight loss

By Novella Lui, RD, M.H.Sc.
Posted on January 24, 2024

There is such a range of tips and diets promising weight-loss results, it’s easy to forget that some everyday foods can add volume to your meals and snacks without adding many calories. Apples are an excellent option for a healthy weight-loss diet. The sweet and tart fruit is budget-friendly, convenient and loaded with nutrients. Here are some reasons why registered dieticians say... READ MORE

How to support people with depression

By Erik Wing
Posted on January 22, 2024

Dear Mayo Clinic: My brother has been diagnosed with depression. I want to help him, but I don’t know what to do. Can you give me ideas for how best to support him? A: When a loved one is affected by depression, it can be difficult to understand what is happening or what you can do to help. Clinical depression is an incredibly complex and individualized process. Understanding... READ MORE

Help for nagging cough; coping with grief

By Howard LeWine, M.D.
Posted on January 18, 2024

Q: I can’t shake this dry cough. It’s been more than a month. Otherwise, I feel OK. Do I need to worry, and what can I do to help relieve it? A: First, I want to know if you were ever a smoker and whether you had cold symptoms or COVID-19 before the cough began. When someone has a cough lasting longer than five to six weeks, and perhaps even sooner for smokers, I usually order a... READ MORE

Items you should never store in a pantry

By Casey Barber
Posted on January 17, 2024

Sometimes you don’t see the fine print “refrigerate after opening” on the jar’s label. Or you grew up with the peanut butter in the pantry and never thought anything of it. But we can be smarter about how we store things. If you keep these common ingredients refrigerated or frozen, you’ll cut down on food waste and keep these kitchen staples fresher longer. Here are more... READ MORE

Neanderthal DNA still lives on inside us

By Laura Ungar and Maddie Burakoff
Posted on January 12, 2024

Neanderthals live on within us. These ancient human cousins, and others called Denisovans, once lived alongside our early Homo sapiens ancestors. They mingled and had children. We now know that some of who they were never went away — it’s in our genes. And science is starting to reveal just how much that shapes us. Using the new and rapidly improving ability to piece together... READ MORE

Acid reflux is common; so are remedies

By Suzy Cohen
Posted on January 11, 2024

My son, Michael, a lover of spicy cuisines, once accepted a taco-eating challenge in Orlando. After consuming 20-something street tacos complete with spicy salsa, he felt the aftermath, leading him to seek antacids. But acid reflux doesn’t only affect food contestants. In fact, approximately 20% of Americans suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a more severe form of... READ MORE

Variety of ways to ease the winter blues

By Jim Miller
Posted on January 09, 2024

Dear Savvy Senior, What can you tell me about seasonal affective disorder? I’ve always disliked winter, but since I retired and am home a lot more, the gray, cold winter months make me feel really blue. —Sad Sam Dear Sam, If you get depressed in the winter but feel better in spring and summer, you may indeed have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — a wintertime depression... READ MORE

Health Shorts — January 2024

By National Institutes of Health and Associated Press
Posted on January 08, 2024

Return of free Covid tests, telemed visits Last month, the federal government expanded the Home Test to Treat program — a virtual health program that offers free Covid-19 health services including at-home rapid tests, telehealth sessions and at-home treatments. Home Test to Treat, which is a collaboration of the National Institutes of Health, the Administration for Strategic... READ MORE

Why noses run and a yawn is contagious

By Robert H. Shmerling, M.D.
Posted on January 04, 2024

There are certain things our bodies do so often and so automatically that we barely notice them. Yawning, growling stomachs and runny noses are good examples. Each is a universal part of our daily human experience. But did you ever wonder why? Below are a few things we know and a few we suspect. Why do we yawn? Perhaps you associate yawning only with being tired or bored. While we... READ MORE