Studying if weight loss can help with COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a group of illnesses that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In people with COPD, the airways in the lungs become partly blocked, which makes it more difficult to breathe. COPD is a progressive disease, and is primarily caused by long-term smoking. It is the third-leading cause of death in the United States. Symptoms of... READ MORE
Update on heart attacks and antibiotics
First some interesting facts: The beating sound your heart makes is caused by its valves, which open and close routinely, in a specific rhythm. Most heart attacks happen on a Monday. Not to be scrooge, but December 25th, Christmas Day, is the most common day of the year for heart attacks. In an average day, your heart pumps the equivalent of nearly 2,000 gallons of blood through... READ MORE
Study says limit alcohol to one drink a day
Here’s some sobering news: A large international study says adults should average no more than one alcoholic drink per day, and that means drinking guidelines in many countries may be far too loose. The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner than those who drink less. “What this is saying is, if you’re really concerned about your... READ MORE
‘Instant’ chicken takes the pressure off
Not a day goes by that I don’t get a recipe request or question about the Instant Pot. So, dear readers, today is the day for my starter recipe for you Instant Pot (Multi-Pot, etc.) fans. I’ll start by pointing out that we are really talking about here is an automated, easy-to-use electric pressure cooker. I hear a collective sigh of recognition from a whole generation of... READ MORE
Going for the gold at the Senior Games
Hundreds of older adults braved buckets of rain last month to give their all to competing in the Virginia Senior Games. At multiple locations, more than 1,300 men and women participated in 68 events spread over 18 different sports, including pickleball, swimming, cycling, racquetball, and track and field. This is the 40th year the Virginia Recreation and Park Society has presented the... READ MORE
Spouses help spot skin cancers early
There’s an extra bonus to marriage for melanoma patients: They tend to be diagnosed in earlier more treatable stages than patients who are unmarried, widowed or divorced, a new study found. Spouses may be apt to notice suspicious moles on their partners that could signal melanoma — the most dangerous type of skin cancer. More importantly, they may also be more inclined to nag their... READ MORE
Untreated warts can spread to other people
Dear Mayo Clinic: Can an untreated wart on my hand spread to another person? Is treatment for it necessary if it’s small and doesn’t bother me? Answer: If left untreated, it is possible for warts to spread, and for the virus that causes warts to be passed to another person. Fortunately, most adults have developed immunity to the viruses that cause warts. Because of this,... READ MORE
Immune therapy works well for lung cancer
For the first time, a treatment that boosts the immune system greatly improved survival in people newly diagnosed with the most common form of lung cancer. It’s the biggest win so far for immunotherapy, which has had much of its success until now in less common cancers. In the study, Merck’s Keytruda, given with standard chemotherapy, cut in half the risk of dying or having the... READ MORE
Hospitals must post care prices online
Medicare will require hospitals to post their standard prices online and make electronic medical records more readily available to patients. The program is also starting a comprehensive review of how it will pay for costly new forms of immunotherapy to battle cancer. Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said the new requirement for online prices... READ MORE
Pros and cons of do-it-yourself gene test
Q: I am considering ordering a genetic test to see if I am at risk for cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. What are the pros and cons? A: buy amitriptyline online amitriptyline online no prescription buy orlistat online orlistat online no prescription That’s a question many people are asking now that the FDA has given the green light to third-party direct-to-consumer (DTC) test kits... READ MORE