Even better than keeping your mouth shut
Dear Solutions: I see my daughter (a corporate something or other) and my son-in-law (a lawyer) spending more and more money on their children instead of spending more and more time with them as they’re growing, and I’m worried. The children think everything is coming to them, and that money is the only important thing to strive for. Of course, they’re not striving since they are... READ MORE
Study on healthy aging seeks volunteers
Two years ago, the National Institute on Aging launched the GESTALT study, which stands for the Genetic and Epigenetic Signatures of Translational Aging Laboratory Testing study. The study takes one of the first large-scale, long-term looks at why aging progresses as it does — and how to help more people take advantage of ways to improve quality of life as they age. The GESTALT... READ MORE
Distinguishing Alzheimer’s from dementia
Dear Savvy Senior: What’s the difference between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia? My aunt has dementia, but they don’t know if she has Alzheimer’s disease, which is very confusing to me. Trying To Understand Dear Trying: Many people use the words “Alzheimer’s disease” and “dementia” interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. In fact, you can have a form ... READ MORE
He teaches life lessons so kids can thrive
During his working career, Bob Argabright, 76, was a “turnaround specialist” with the Chesapeake Packaging Corporation. When an operating unit had problems, the packaging company sent him to trouble spots to find solutions. Today, Argabright is a turnaround specialist of a different kind. Almost every day since his 2004 retirement, he has gone from his condominium in The Bluffs to... READ MORE
When memory loss should be a concern
Q: I have become a bit more forgetful. I read about something called mild cognitive impairment. How do you know if you have it? A: Everyone has the occasional bout of forgetfulness, whether it’s misplacing your keys or blanking out on a name. But if these episodes become frequent or interfere with daily life, you may have mild cognitive impairment, or MCI. But MCI can be tough to... READ MORE
Learning early to revere elders in Japan
In one of my earliest columns published in the Beacon, “A Pal Because of a Pen,” I discussed the benefits of having a pen pal. When one of my close friends, Sakiko Miyazaki, moved to Japan from the U.S., I decided to take my own advice, and for two years have been keeping in touch with her via email. From comparing school days, to discussing summer plans, to swapping book... READ MORE
Medicare to phase out two medigap plans
I understand that medigap Plan F is going away in 2020. I’ve had Plan F for years. Does that mean I have to pick a new plan? Answer: No, you don’t need to switch plans. Medicare supplement policies (also known as medigap plans), which help cover Medicare’s co-payments, deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs, currently come in 10 standardized plans. They are identified by... READ MORE
Do you still need to do breast self-exams?
Dear Mayo Clinic: I’m confused about breast self-exams. I’m 45 years old, and I remember being told to do self-exams monthly. At one point, my healthcare provider even gave me a laminated card to put in the shower that showed the correct technique. Now it seems self-exams aren’t talked about much anymore. Are we still supposed to do them? Answer: You are correct that the role of... READ MORE
Coffee and the ‘cancer-causing’ chemical
Q: As I coffee lover, I have been happy to read about its health benefits. However, I am a bit disturbed by the suggestion that one of its ingredients causes cancer. What’s your opinion? A: online pharmacy reglan no prescription buy https://www.cherryhilldentalonline.com/wp-content/uploads/wpcode/cache/library/amoxil.html online... READ MORE
Multi-gene test may identify risks earlier
You know your cholesterol and your blood pressure levels. But your heart gene score? Researchers say a new way of analyzing genetic test data may one day help identify people at high risk of a youthful heart attack in time to help. Today, gene testing mostly focuses on rare mutations in one or a few genes, like those that cause cystic fibrosis or sickle cell disease, or the BRCA gene... READ MORE