Seek, but shall ye find?
First, I want to start out by admitting I am guilty of the very pet peeve I want to share today. I’m speaking about the classic error of conducting a survey that’s mis-aimed from the outset. The Beacon did such a survey of readers more than 15 years ago. Long-time readers will recall our publication was named “Senior Beacon” at its inception in 1988. In the early 2000s, we... READ MORE
Understood too well?
We all want to be understood by our close friends and, particularly, by our mates. We want them to know what our preferences are, what we like to eat, with whom we like (and don’t like) to socialize. We want them to remember our birthday, what types of gifts please us, what music we like to listen to at different times of day. These are among the myriad ways in which people who love... READ MORE
Wonder and creativity
I found myself standing beside a window one chilly morning recently as my thoughts wandered into wondering, as they often do. This time, I was wondering — both wondering about and feeling a sense of wonder — at the early morning sunlight filtering through the window. As I raised the shade to get a better look at the day, I immediately felt an odd sensation: a coldness radiating... READ MORE
Innovative solutions
I recently attended a national conference that highlighted some of the latest innovations in products and services for older adults. Attendees represented companies large and small, start-ups and long-established brands, as well as associations like AARP and the National Council on the Aging. I came away excited about what I learned, and energized by the creative technologies and... READ MORE
Show your creativity
Regular readers of the Beacon will recall that we sponsored an amateur art competition for people over 50 last year. Called the Beacon’s “Celebration of the Arts,” it was inspired by moving stories from readers who had either returned to an earlier love of art after years away from it, or developed a passion for it later in life. We wanted to encourage those who have never tried ... READ MORE
Giving thanks
As we approach the Thanksgiving season, I want to take this opportunity to show thanks for the many blessings we have here at the Beacon. First, we are thankful for our hundreds of thousands of readers. It is for you that we launched the Beacon more than 30 years ago, and for whom our small but dedicated staff works so hard every month — putting out more than 200,000 copies of four... READ MORE
Music, in theory
When I was in grade school, the year nearly always began with writing the same report: “What I did last summer.” It was usually a simple recital of the fun activities (and boring ones) we experienced with our friends and family. I don’t remember ever being asked to draw lessons from the experiences, or even to think seriously about them. But it was grade school, and the point I... READ MORE
Your opinion, please
There’s only one thing that no one can give you or take away from you: your opinion. What you think in your mind and feel in your heart is uniquely and always yours. Your opinion might change from time to time, even from minute to minute. But at any point it’s still yours. And that’s something we should cherish. Sometimes, however, we can feel we are being bombarded with... READ MORE
No one to trust
Every year, when the Medicare and Social Security Trustees issue their annual report on the status of those programs, there’s a flurry of interest in one question: At what point in the future will the programs no longer be able to meet their obligations in full? The 2019 report estimated that Social Security would be unable to cover full benefits as of 2035, just 16 years from now.... READ MORE
Diverse perspectives
People who have a passion for traveling abroad often say they relish the opportunity to learn about different cultures, hear unfamiliar languages, meet people from varied backgrounds — in short, to have mind-broadening experiences that change the way they see the world. While there’s nothing like international travel to accomplish those goals, I think most of us could have similar... READ MORE