How we talk about aging
As a publication geared toward readers over 50 (and largely written and produced by people over 50 or close to it), the Beacon buy diflucan online diflucan online no prescription is very sensitive to the issue of how we talk about aging. At least, we think we are. That’s why I bring up the subject today. I’d like to know your opinion. First, I should start out by noting that my... READ MORE
A new approach
Researchers have spent decades and billions of dollars looking for safe and effective medications to fight Alzheimer’s disease — so far, totally in vain. The few drugs we do have ease some symptoms of the disease for some patients, but they do not slow its progression, much less reverse or cure it. The good news is, the costly research has identified potential causes and... READ MORE
Appreciating talent
First, I want to congratulate again the winners of our Celebration of the Arts amateur art competition. You may recall we announced their names in our June issue. This month, we are pleased to provide a special pull-out section with images of their winning artworks and brief profiles of all the winners. I hope you enjoy reading about the sources of their creative sparks and find their... READ MORE
Why a virtual Expo?
They say human beings are “social animals,” and that deprived of human contact, we wither away. But what are we to do in an age when social distancing can be a matter of life and death? Fortunately, we humans are also highly creative and resourceful, so there are many answers to that question: We hold FaceTime or Zoom conversations, virtual events, and small-scale, outdoor gatherings ... READ MORE
The choice is ours
Generally, whatever the situation, we like knowing we have choices in life. Being boxed in, having no alternative, being forced into a decision doesn’t feel good. We want to be in control. That applies to nearly every aspect of life — what to eat, what to wear, what to spend our time on — at every stage of life, from the terrible twos, into adolescence, and throughout... READ MORE
Seizing an opportunity
I’ve never been one to keep a daily journal or diary. I do find myself wishing sometimes that I had done so in the past, but not enough to get myself to start keeping one now. However, there have been a few days in my life when I have had such a meaningful (or traumatic) experience that I feel compelled to write down what happened and how I felt. The other day, I was looking for a... READ MORE
Reader snapshots
A couple of months ago, I shared some insights that we learned from hundreds of readers who answered our survey asking how the pandemic has affected them. We followed that up with another survey, asking readers more about who they are, what their future plans are, and what they think of the Beacon and our advertisers. This type of information is especially valuable to us, both so we know ... READ MORE
Guest column: Wake-up call
Editor’s Note: The following guest column is by Timothy Cox, one of our contributing writers. Mr. Cox has written for Gannett and Scripps-Howard as well as for newspapers in Augusta, Atlanta, Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C. A member of the National Association of Black Journalists, he has a journalism degree from Point Park University. I vividly recall the spring of 1968. I... READ MORE
What you have told us
First, a thank-you to the hundreds of readers who have filled out and mailed (or taken online) our “How are you faring?” coronavirus pandemic survey. For those who have not yet done so, we will continue to collect and tally survey results for a few more weeks. You can reach it through our website home page (see “Attention Readers” at, or go directly to... READ MORE
How are you faring?
Many of us have lived through some strange and rough times, but I think it’s fair to say, our lives today are unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetimes. I heard firsthand reports from my parents and grandparents about the difficulties of wartime, and I know those days were in many ways far more difficult — both for those on the front lines and for the families left... READ MORE