Wedding stories from Jewish Maryland

By Rochelle Eisenberg
Posted on June 27, 2017

The year was 1964. Elsbeth Levy was set to marry Bert Bothe in an outdoor wedding in the backyard of a friend’s rowhouse. She had changed into her wedding gown, her guests were waiting, and as she was about to be escorted to the ceremony through the house and out the backdoor, she discovered she couldn’t get into the house — the door was locked. What’s a bride to do? In an oral... READ MORE

A peek at what’s on stage this summer

By Zita Petrahai
Posted on June 26, 2017

Area theaters are showcasing a variety of plays this summer — from a play about an unconventional grandmother, to two of the Bard’s most celebrated works.Bowie Community TheatreThe Bowie Community Theatre is bringing folks an eccentric comedy all the way from Los Angeles. Nana’s Naughty Knickers is written by L.A.-based Katherine DiSavino and directed by Jennifer L.... READ MORE

Books show prodigies’ paths to prominence

By Dinah Rokach
Posted on June 15, 2017

There is no companion like a good book, and these recent titles are worth your time. They enlighten and entertain, impart knowledge and reveal new insights. Books that keep our attention focused and our minds engaged are to be treasured. June grads will soon realize that learning is a lifelong endeavor. But choosing your own material makes reading a truly joyful and life-enhancing... READ MORE

Experiencing life inside another’s head

By Michael Toscano
Posted on June 14, 2017

The Father begins abruptly, right in the middle of an intense conversation. One moment you’re in your own world, a theatergoer out for an evening of entertainment, just settled into your seat at Studio Theatre’s Metheney Theatre.Boom! You’re in someone’s…no several peoples’… nightmare, even if it’s not immediately apparent... READ MORE

Shades of gray keeps it rockin’

By Barbara Ruben
Posted on June 07, 2017

Ken Hunter got hooked on playing guitar back in the fourth grade, when he and a classmate went on their first “tour” — to other classrooms to play and sing in Everly Brothers-type harmony. By age 10, they played on Falls Church-based WFAX radio. And even though as a kid Hunter was rejected from “Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour,” the Woodbridge, Va. resident is still playing... READ MORE

Sally Field returns to Broadway in drama

By Mark Kennedy
Posted on June 06, 2017

Sally Field had a chance to cross The Glass Menagerie off her bucket list 13 years ago. It didn’t take.The Emmy- and Oscar-winner is once again playing Amanda Wingfield, the fearsome Southern belle at the heart of the Tennessee Williams’ masterpiece. Field may have played her at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., in 2004, and yet, here she is, playing her again on... READ MORE

The stars come out for Merriweather’s 50th

By Robert Friedman
Posted on June 05, 2017

“Oddly enough, the older you get, the happier you get.” Paul Simon, who will be appearing at Merriweather Post Pavilion on June 9, uttered those words, not yet set to music, during a recent interview with the BBC as he was entering his 75th year. A couple of years earlier, in his album You’re the One, he had this to sing about aging: The human race has walked the earth for... READ MORE

Insider: Days and nights at the museum

By Carol Sorgen
Posted on May 26, 2017

If you live in Baltimore, you know the Walters Art Museum. But just how well do you know it?Thanks to Gary Vikan’s recently published memoir, Sacred and Stolen: Confessions of a Museum Director, the next time you visit the Walters, you’ll have a greater appreciation of just what goes on behind the scenes of an internationally renowned museum — one Baltimoreans are... READ MORE

Come get your fresh fruit and vegetables!

By By Briana Rhodes
Posted on May 25, 2017

The Last of the Mohicans is how Donald Savoy III described the remaining handful of arabbers left in Baltimore on a sunny Wednesday, while watching a fellow horse-drawn cart vendor load up with fresh fruit and vegetables.Almost every day, fresh produce sellers known as arabbers, all African-American, take to the streets of Baltimore with a horse and a cart to sell to residents around the... READ MORE

First-time author at 90 dreams of Oscars

By Talia Denicoff
Posted on May 15, 2017

Seven years ago, Frances Chavarria of Rockville, Md., wrote her first novel, inspired by the 35 years she lived in Costa Rica. But discouraged after an editor criticized it, she put the manuscript away until a friend convinced her to dust if off and self-publish the book.This spring, Chavarria became a published author — at the age of 90.Chavarria’s novel, Let Us Dream of... READ MORE