Dreaming of GPS voices from yesteryear
After years of struggle, I’ve made some tentative peace with newfangled gimmickry. I can deal with e-mail, voice mail, texting and Google. But there’s one 21st century presence that leaves me pining for days of yore: That woman who gives me directions via GPS. You know her. If you tee up an address on your smartphone, she’s right there, snippy and snappy, ordering you to turn... READ MORE
A glittery, gritty ‘Chorus Line’ at Toby’s
A Chorus Line, one of the longest-running Broadway shows of all time, highlights both the romance and the struggle of performing in a Broadway musical. Behind the glory of being part of a show in America’s theater capital are hard work, constant auditions, likelihood of rejection, and — at least for the characters in the show — the need to overcome the harsh experiences of the... READ MORE
Fascinating biography from local author
At 86, Baltimore writer Frances Altman has reinvented herself many times throughout her life. Her new book, Destiny’s Daughter, published last year, is a biography of a woman who also had to change with the times. Altman was inspired to write the book more than a decade ago, after seeing a news clipping about Mary Edwards Walker, the first American woman to graduate medical school, in... READ MORE
Redefine retirement by volunteering
Everyone benefits when older adults remain engaged, independent and included. Instead of letting age define their circumstances, older Americans are embracing change, pushing boundaries and transforming their communities through creativity, commitment and service. As a first stop for anyone looking to explore volunteer opportunities, AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors connect individuals... READ MORE
How not to answer a telephone poll
Politics is webbed into my DNA. Been that way since I was a pup (don’t ask how long ago that was). I think about politics, talk about politics, write about politics, lose old friends over politics. But until the other day, I had never taken part in a political poll. I’ll never take part in another. When I answered the phone, a female voice, obviously young, obviously reading... READ MORE
Books about Lincoln offer new perspectives
The Bibliophile This year marks the 215th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Scholars continue researching his life, revealing additional insights and forming new interpretations. Lincoln: The Fire of Genius: How Abraham Lincoln’s Commitment to Science and Technology Helped Modernize America, by David J. Kent, 322 pages, Lyons Press hardcover, 2022 Author David J. Kent, a ... READ MORE
Musician-poet finds new career in retirement
Some people may get a gold watch or pen when they retire. But Clifford Bernier received harmonicas — not one, but two. When Bernier stepped down after 30 years at the Association for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, his employer gave him a gold Seydel harmonica and a 16-hole, chromatic Hohner. They knew him well. Bernier has been playing the harmonica since he was 19 years... READ MORE
Streisand writes about acting, music, life
Her book is called My Name is Barbra, and it runs nearly 1,000 pages. You expected less from Barbra Streisand? Streisand spent the past decade working on one of the epic narratives in modern show business — her uncompromising rise from working class Brooklyn in the 1940s and 50s to global fame. During a recent telephone interview, she reflected on her tastes in music, her tastes in... READ MORE
Agatha Christie’s most convincing witness
Even if you’re not that familiar with whodunit writer extraordinaire Agatha Christie, chances are you’ve caught a bit of the myriad stage, film or TV productions of her short story and play “The Witness for the Prosecution.” It’s a murder mystery and trial drama which has starred everyone from Marlene Dietrich and Tyrone Power to Edward G. Robinson and Beau... READ MORE
Mixed emotions about work from home
He was 30-something — a bit smug, a bit too fond of his own opinions. But I was seated beside him at a fancy dinner, so I was stuck. After the salad, I asked how he had weathered the pandemic. “Perfectly,” he announced. I wasn’t sure that I had heard him correctly. In whose universe was the pandemic perfect? His. “I didn’t have to go into the office once,” he said.... READ MORE