Gold Star families get guidebook for grief

By Margaret Foster
Posted on May 21, 2019

On Memorial Day, most Americans will fire up the grill, invite their neighbors over for picnics or attend a Main Street parade. But for families who have lost an adult child during military service, Memorial Day can be a piercing reminder of loss — as painful as their loved one’s birthday or anniversary of their death. “The very images that are symbols of our country are very... READ MORE

Native bees are important pollinators

By Lela Martin
Posted on May 21, 2019

What’s the buzz about pollinators? Pollination is a symbiotic relationship between an animal pollinator and a flowering plant. The pollinator receives a nectar or pollen reward and, at the same time, inadvertently transfers pollen from flower to flower or, in some plants, within the flower from the male stamen to the female stigma. Bees, who spend most of their lives collecting pollen, ... READ MORE

Fashion reflects personality for all ages

By Alexis Bentz
Posted on May 16, 2019

In the fashion world, the only constant is change. As society and popular culture evolve, so do our garments. Regardless of what styles have been in vogue throughout history, one thing remains the same: fashion is a high priority in American society, both for teenagers and older adults. First, let’s clarify the difference between “fashion” and “style.” While the two words... READ MORE

Highlighting outdoor destinations nearby

By Dinah Rokach
Posted on May 15, 2019

The Bibliophile As the mild weather beckons, thoughts turn to the great outdoors. Getting advice on where to venture out, and information about the destinations you’re considering, can make the planning easier and your trip more pleasurable. Here are some good options: Waterfalls of Virginia & West Virginia: 174 Falls in the Old Dominion and the Mountain State, by Randall... READ MORE

Club helps students prepare for prom

By Margaret Foster
Posted on May 14, 2019

‘Tis the season for corsages, tuxedos and taffeta dresses. But not every student in Washington, D.C. can afford all the trimmings to attend their high school prom. That’s where the women of the D.C. Seniors Cameo Club come in. This spring, former Ms. Senior D.C. Pageant participants (who make up the Cameo Club) have fanned out all over the metro area, asking local boutiques to donate ... READ MORE

She’s not one to shy from controversy

By Martha Steger
Posted on May 13, 2019

Christy Coleman’s office inside one of Richmond’s riverfront Tredegar Iron Works buildings is typical of a chief executive officer. It’s filled with framed photographs of family members, plaques with accolades, newspaper articles and books. Three items on her bookcase stand out, however. One is a small copy of the U.S. Constitution from James Madison’s plantation, Montpelier.... READ MORE

Grandparent’s quandary: What’s my name?

By Alice Shapin
Posted on May 13, 2019

We’re about to become grandparents! And to be honest, since we are the last of our friends to have that honor, I’ve heard some unique stories about choosing a name. Not the baby’s name. Thank goodness that’s not our problem. My husband and I are trying to figure out what we will be called by the grandkids. It seems that whenever I get together with my peers, this topic always... READ MORE

Strangers in the night at a grand hotel

By Patricia Cuadros
Posted on May 08, 2019

Audiences travel back in time to ritzy 1928 Berlin in Grand Hotel, playing at the Signature Theatre in Arlington, Va., through May 19. With a book by Luther Davis and music and lyrics by Robert Wright and George Forrest, the show was a hit on Broadway in 1989. However, this local production, under the direction of Eric Schaeffer, leaves the audience somewhat unsatisfied. The musical... READ MORE

Inspiring youth through his art

By Margaret Foster
Posted on May 06, 2019

When Maryland artist Normon Greene was a child in southwestern Virginia, he watched his mother sketch and vowed to be just like her one day. “I was inspired by her drawings, so I started drawing,” the 69-year-old painter and sculptor said. “Then she gave me clay, and I thought, ‘Wow, I can draw three-dimensionally!’” Now Greene, a retired youth counselor and artist whose... READ MORE

The dancing Hunchback of Notre Dame

By Eddie Applefeld
Posted on May 03, 2019

The Hunchback of Notre Dame as a musical? You must be kidding, I thought. I was aware that Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel had been translated into English and seen success over the years in theaters and in movies. Some might remember the 1923 silent film with Lon Chaney, the 1939 version with Charles Laughton, or the 1997 film with Mandy Patinkin, Richard Harris and Salma Hayek. But like... READ MORE