Virginia Rep taps into 50s nostalgia

By Martha Steger
Posted on August 16, 2019

If the daily news or the daily grind gets you down, head to Virginia Repertory Theater and enjoy their production of Forever Plaid, a musical revue by Stuart Ross. You’re in for lots of laughs sandwiched among a tight harmony-line’s rendition of songs popular in the 1950s and 60s, ranging from “Three Coins in a Fountain” and “Lady of Spain” to “Chain Gang” and “Sixteen... READ MORE

Daylilies give many years of pleasure

By Lela Martin
Posted on August 16, 2019

What looks pretty all summer but blooms for just one day? The answer: the daylily. While each bloom lasts only one day, the plant develops numerous buds for a succession of blooms. Some varieties bloom in late summer, others rebloom, while still other varieties bloom over a long period. The daylily is hearty enough to withstand our heat and humidity and, unless you have problem... READ MORE

Retirement: It’s all in how you look at it

By Bob Levey
Posted on August 12, 2019

Once upon a time, retirement was about gold watches, golf and trundling off into the sunset. You served your time. Now you can kick back and do everything your way, on your schedule. No more awful bosses. No more commuting. Just endless smiles and jelly doughnuts, all day, every day. Of course, the reality of retirement is a lot more complicated, and always has been. If health... READ MORE

Books in translation widen our horizons

By Dinah Rokach
Posted on August 09, 2019

The Bibliophile The translators of these works of fiction and nonfiction have made foreign authors and their perspectives accessible to us. The Coronation: A Fandorin Mystery, by Boris Akunin, translation by Andrew Bromfield, 362 pages, First Grove Atlantic hardcover, 2019 Andrew Bromfield, a British literary editor who has translated numerous Russian authors, explains that his... READ MORE

It’s never too late to pursue lost passions

By Diane York
Posted on August 05, 2019

Think back to your school or college days, when you may have enjoyed playing a musical instrument, acting in plays, or simply were engrossed in a subject that particularly enticed you. It may even have been your major in college. If that love, or that major, didn’t translate into a paying job or career, you might have let it go for years or even decades. But if that interest lingers,... READ MORE

Exhibit conveys suffering of immigrants

By Noelani Kirschner
Posted on August 02, 2019

What does the past, present and future of immigration look like? The Warmth of Other Suns: Stories of Global Displacement, an exhibit on view at The Phillips Collection through September 22, seeks to answer this question through the work of 75 contemporary and historical artists. The show was guest curated by Massimiliano Gioni and Natalie Bell, both of the New Museum in New York, and... READ MORE

“Aladdin” & Genie conjure a winning show

By Lynda Lantz
Posted on July 31, 2019

If you love your musicals full of glitz, over-the-top dance numbers and wisecracking genies, then the exuberant Aladdin from Disney, now at the Kennedy Center Opera House through September 7, is for you. This year Aladdin is everywhere — in the movies and onstage. The musical, with music by Alan Menken and lyrics by Howard Ashman, Tim Rice and Chad Beguelin, is set in an Arabian desert ... READ MORE

Sculptor found art after many careers

By Robert Friedman
Posted on July 26, 2019

Paul Steinkoenig has pursued many interests and careers in his 59 years. The Hyattsville resident has been a Methodist minister, a psychotherapist, a state department intern, and a United Nations volunteer in Afghanistan. But he feels he has now, finally, found his true calling: art. And the Howard County Arts Council seems to agree. In August, an eight-foot sculpture by Steinkoenig... READ MORE

Garden clubs aim for sustainable beauty

By Diane Carliner
Posted on July 25, 2019

Everyone talks about climate change, but who is doing anything about it? How about the 3,600 or so gardeners who are members of Maryland’s 99 Federated Garden Clubs (FGC)? The clubs, which began back in 1926, are part of the National Garden Clubs, a St. Louis-based nonprofit that is the largest volunteer gardening organization in the world. Its Baltimore City chapters include... READ MORE

Multimedia artist pursues universal truths

By Noelani Kirschner
Posted on July 24, 2019

At age 15, Oletha DeVane accompanied her mother to her job at an agricultural research center in Maryland. When one of the doctoral students there learned that DeVane was artistic, she was hired to draw various insects the lab was studying. Over the next 50-plus years, DeVane continued her artistic growth, exploring universal spirituality through multimedia art, while also drawing... READ MORE