Books on how to age wisely, gracefully
The Bibliophile For many, the challenges of aging can be daunting. These four books can provide encouragement and advice. Coming of Age: My Journey to the Eighties, by Madeleine May Kunin, 200 pages, Green Writers Press paperback, 2019 Former Vermont governor Madeleine Kunin writes about aging from the vantage point of her mid-80s. Kunin also reprises, from a personal perspective,... READ MORE
Daphne Maxwell Reid enjoys the journey
Though she recently turned 71, when actress Daphne Maxwell Reid appears at the Senior Connections’ Empty Plate Luncheon in Richmond on October 2, audience members shouldn’t expect the Richmond resident to talk about her quiet, peaceful retirement. “I don’t retire,” Reid said. “I’ll take my pension, but I’ll still be busy.” Reid has been busy for decades. After... READ MORE
Beacon celebrates 20th year of 50+Expos
For the past 20 years, the Beacon buy cialis-super-active online no prescription newspaper has been providing free community education events every fall for readers and their families. Known as the 50+Expos, they are held in both suburban Maryland and... READ MORE
Typewriters regain a measure of respect
For most of us, the clickety clack of a manual typewriter — or the gentler tapping of the IBM Selectric — are but memories or something seen only in movies. But at the few remaining typewriter repair shops in the country, business is booming as a younger generation discovers the joys of the feel and sound of the typewriter. Meanwhile, older generations admit they never fell out of... READ MORE
Artist tries to recapture family’s lost past
Walking into the third-floor gallery of the American University Museum feels like stepping into a painterly vision of a family photo album, that of Brooklyn-based, Filipino-American artist Maia Cruz Palileo. Most Americans have a familial origin story rooted in immigration; perhaps a great-grandfather arriving at Ellis Island from Ireland, or a grandmother passing through the port of... READ MORE
Powerhouse theatre tucked into Tysons
Tysons Corner’s most celebrated theater is easy to miss. Taking a cue from gritty New York City venues, 1st Stage is located in a corrugated metal warehouse in a Northern Virginia strip mall. Despite the theater’s less-than-grand exterior, “our audience loves it,” said Eileen Mandell, 1st Stage’s director of community engagement. “People like the funkiness of this... READ MORE
New group helps people find their encore
In the Hawthorne Pool in Columbia a couple of years ago, a middle-aged man was telling a friend that he had retired from his pharmacist career and was looking for a meaningful way to stay engaged. The woman with whom he spoke said she was an activities director at an assistance living facility in Columbia and suggested he volunteer at the site, perhaps to ensure residents that their... READ MORE
Enjoy early bird and happy hour deals
On a sweltering Saturday evening, I step into City Café in Mount Vernon for a cold drink and nice meal. With a spacious, earth-toned interior and tall windows, the eatery has an ambience both laid-back and upscale. Quiet acoustic music plays in the background as a group of adults in business attire chat at one table. An older couple sits at a table for two near the window, enjoying a... READ MORE
A classic rock band’s wit and wisdom
As the drummer for a classic rock band called Wasted Gravity, Ron Appel is considered the bedrock and rhythmic heartbeat for the Baltimore area band. Composed almost entirely of Boomers, the band’s eldest member is Appel, 76. Age aside, the fellas and one lone female member continue to rock to the music of their youth — music appreciated by their burgeoning fan base. Wasted... READ MORE
Silver Pen competition calls for writers
“When I look back on my life,” wrote actor and comedian Martin Short in his 2014 memoir I Must Say: My Life as a Humble Comedy Legend, “I see moments where it might have been understandable had I turned to drugs or ice cream.” We can’t all be Martin Short, but we can reflect on our lives and commemorate our strength over the years. Writing is a way to preserve our life... READ MORE