When the viral coast is clear, I plan to…
As vaccinations become more common, and hope sprouts, your faithful correspondent got seized by an idea. Since “normal” seems increasingly possible fairly soon, what is the first thing a newly vaccinated senior citizen plans to do when the viral coast is clear? I am no pollster, but I am an accomplished e-mailer. So, I clicked the question out to about 40 of my closest pals —... READ MORE
D.C.’s queen of Sunday jazz for 36 years
A recent radio show on WPFW began with a quote from Shakespeare’s Henry V, as the love-struck king woos his future wife. Then the great tenor sax player Ben Webster soloed with strings on “Come Rain or Come Shine,” the lyrics of which begin: “I’m gonna love you like nobody’s loved you.” All that amour aired on the aptly named “A Sunday Kind of Love,” the weekly noon to... READ MORE
Speak out to make a difference
In the 1990s, Sarah Harris was raising three children in Fairfax County when her husband was diagnosed (at age 53) with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. In the five years he lived with Alzheimer’s, he lost the ability to hold conversations or complete small tasks, like turning off the television. Harris’ experience inspired her to take action. Today, she is an Alzheimer’s... READ MORE
Appreciating Maryland’s heritage
How has nature nurtured you during the pandemic? That’s the question Patapsco Heritage Greenway Inc. — the conservation group that oversees the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area — is asking Marylanders to respond to this month in the form of poems, essays, drawings or even songs. Based in Ellicott City, the nonprofit Patapsco Heritage Greenway (PHG) works to preserve and protect the ... READ MORE
Divide perennials to expand your garden
With political polarization dominating the news, maybe you’d like to know how division can be a positive thing — when it comes to perennials, that is. Why divide perennials, those plants that return each year? Many perennials left undisturbed for more than three years become overcrowded, unsightly and needy. The center of the clump becomes either hollow or weak, and the flowers might ... READ MORE
During pandemic, she wrote three books
At a certain point in life, we want to finish the story. That was Dr. Daryl Cumber Dance’s thought. Upon retirement from a career as a professor of English, Dance had been asked to send her papers to her alma mater, the University of Virginia. As she went through her extensive collection of writing, Dance found projects unfinished and things unsaid. She realized she didn’t want... READ MORE
A hopeless romantic, mired in past tech
I was e-mailing with a former colleague the other day. Oh, that rancid coffee in the common pot. Ah, the rotten pay. Golly, all those brown hairs that have turned white, or disappeared. And wow, remember those nuts who used to call? Why, today, the switchboard would never put them through, I declared. My former colleague roasted me. “You are showing your age, Bob,” he said.... READ MORE
Read the stories of sports champions
The Bibliophile online pharmacy revia no prescription with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy https://suburbanhomehealth.com/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/4-953eeada3168639b58f6dc333d305456/2018/inderal.html no prescription Fans love to reminisce about iconic coaches, championship seasons and unforgettable upset victories by their favorite teams. These books by sports... READ MORE
Q&A with Billy Crystal on his new movie
After hosting the Oscars nine times, Billy Crystal wouldn’t necessarily rule out a tenth. But the 72-year-old actor would prefer some wider attention for his low-budget indie film, “Standing Up, Falling Down.” Perhaps even a longshot Academy Awards nomination. “If it happened, it would be unbelievable. I’m really thrilled just to be in the discussion and not for, ‘Hey, would... READ MORE
Tina Panetta, Mother on the Hill
Years ago, though it’s hard to imagine today, Republican and Democratic senators used to sit at the same table to share a meal in the Senate Dining Room. They would cross the aisle just to talk to beloved waitress Tina Panetta, an ebullient Italian mother and grandmother. “We talked like family, like brother and sister,” Panetta, now 95, recalls of her 23-year career serving... READ MORE