Older authors publish books about sports

By Dinah Rokach
Posted on October 13, 2022

The Bibliophile A book about your favorite sport can provide a broader perspective than reading the sports section or watching the highlights. Gods at Play: An Eyewitness Account of Great Moments in American Sports, by Tom Callahan, 304 pages, W.W. Norton & Company paperback, 2022 Enjoy a yarn or two from this spellbinding raconteur’s stories about yesteryear’s sports icons... READ MORE

What to do with what you leave behind?

By Bob Levey
Posted on October 07, 2022

We walked them across the street by the hand. We fed them, clothed them, drove them, hovered over them. And now that our children are adults, do we owe them anything more? Some seniors say yes. They say we should arrange our assets (if any) so that the kids and grandkids inherit everything. They say that you’re always Mom or Dad. They say that you don’t really need one more... READ MORE

Ford’s transformational “Trip to Bountiful”

By Lynda Lantz
Posted on October 03, 2022

A play written in and set in the 1950s, The Trip to Bountiful, now at Ford’s Theatre, gently explores how differently a family can experience dislocation, anxiety and nostalgia based, in part, on their openness to reflecting on their past. Playwright Horton Foote, who some have called “the greatest playwright you’ve never heard of,” wrote plays about families in Texas. But his... READ MORE

Singers gotta sing — and serve others

By Susan Ahearn
Posted on September 20, 2022

“Sing well. Have fun. Serve others.” That’s the motto of ShowTime Singers, a community chorus based in Ellicott City. Its singers, who range in age from 30 to 82, perform at assisted living facilities, libraries and senior centers throughout the Baltimore-Washington area. The group’s motto guides its actions, said Cathy Johnson, music director of ShowTime... READ MORE

Tamron Hall hopes to inspire women

By Gary Gerard Hamilton
Posted on September 19, 2022

Two sparkly golden trophies gleam behind Tamron Hall on the New York set of her nationally syndicated talk show. But despite entering its fourth season, the “Tamron Hall” show is not a well-oiled machine — and that’s intentional. “The only thing that shines in this room are the Emmys. I want this show to evolve. And if it’s well-oiled, I believe that you’re not looking... READ MORE

Playing music for others and with others

By Glenda C. Booth
Posted on September 14, 2022

The first time Alexandrian Lynn Falk, 87, heard a mandolin orchestra’s tremolo at a concert, “It was like butterflies singing. It was so beautiful,” she said. That was 40 years ago. She’s been playing a mandolin ever since with The Mandoleers, a Washington-area orchestra. Her friend Kathleen Graham was moved as well when she attended a concert at the Smithsonian Institution.... READ MORE

Books with good advice on healthy aging

By Dinah Rokach
Posted on September 12, 2022

The Bibliophile These three books approach the subject of aging from three perspectives: sharing life lessons, advocating against the mistreatment of elders, and encouraging physical activity to enhance health. The Second Half: Forty Women Reveal Life After Fifty, by Ellen Warner, 242 pages, Brandeis University Press hardcover, 2022 Be inspired by the stories of women over age 50... READ MORE

I’m not my kids’ pet sitter! Or wait, am I?

By Bob Levey
Posted on September 08, 2022

By the time we reach a certain age — and I’ve reached it — we stop apologizing for our crankiness and our crustiness. We dig in. We don’t bend. Which is my way of saying that I will not — repeat NOT — take care of the pets of my adult children. I have told them until I’m blue in the face that their precious beasts are not my grandchildren. Or my grandpuppies. Or my... READ MORE

“The Color Purple” blossoms at Signature

By Mark Dreisonstok
Posted on September 06, 2022

Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning 1982 novel The Color Purple is a story of triumph in which a young Black woman overcomes seemingly impossible circumstances, including abusive relationships, racism and personal tragedy, to grow into a beautiful, independent woman. Stephen Spielberg directed the 1985 film adaptation, starring Whoopi Goldberg as the protagonist Celie, and Oprah... READ MORE

Candlelight Society celebrates 50 years

By Ana Preger Hart
Posted on August 24, 2022

Almost five decades ago, a music teacher living in the newly established city of Columbia spotted an ad in the local paper. “In the fall of 1974, I saw a small notice in the Columbia Flier saying anybody who would like to see chamber music continue in Howard County, please come to an organizing meeting,” said Philip Press. “And that was the genesis of what became, a few months... READ MORE