Be a skeptical consumer during pandemic

Whether dealing with snake oil products, phishing scams, price gouging or cancelled travel arrangements, it is a difficult time to be a consumer. Scammers and their schemes change daily.
As a consumer, how can you protect yourself? Here are some of the more common scams circulating together with the virus.
First, know that there are no approved potions, pills or treatments to cure COVID-19. That doesn’t stop online sellers and promotors using social media from advertising (and collecting money) for worthless “miracle” products — from colloidal silver drinks to “virus killing” toothpaste.
The Federal Trade Commission reports that pop-up websites claim to have useful products in high demand, yet never ship them. Research the name of the website with the word “scam” to see if other consumers are complaining.
Similarly, ignore online ads offering vaccinations (which don’t yet exist) or investments in coronavirus treating companies.
You may be asked to donate funds towards research or to help victims. Before sending money, you should research any charity using, or In addition, you can make sure any charities have the proper license from your state by searching for them on your secretary of state’s website.
Online hackers may send unsolicited email messages offering supposed maps to coronavirus hot spots or health information. Clicking on these scam messages may allow online viruses or malware access to your computer to “phish” — that is, to steal your personal or account information.
Never click on unsolicited online offers, and only click on COVID-19 news from a trusted source like the CDC, WHO, your local hospital’s website or other authoritative entities.
Beware: Reports are surfacing that door-to-door scammers are posing as CDC, WHO or other government health officials making “spot checks” for the virus. These agencies are too taxed to be making on-site health inspections. Those are not legitimate officials at your door.
There are also reports that robocalls are peddling scam work-at-home schemes once again and also unnecessary water filters.
Watch out for price gouging
Price gouging is an unfortunate side effect of any natural disaster, including this pandemic. Unscrupulous merchants have been known to charge exorbitant prices for hand sanitizer, cleaning products and disinfectant wipes.
Amazon and eBay are taking steps to prohibit price gouging activity regarding certain products and have blocked certain sellers.
Not all states have specific laws on the books that address price gouging. The District of Columbia and Virginia do have such specific laws. In Maryland, the Governor recently signed a State of Emergency bill which banned price gouging during the emergency period.
Moreover, some counties, like Montgomery County, have consumer protection laws regarding “unconscionable” conduct or “price disparity” related to the sale of goods might be used to address price gouging.
Cancelled trips, events, etc.
Many airlines, hotels and cruise lines are allowing consumers to cancel or postpone tickets without penalties. Cancellation, credit and refund policies vary greatly with tour groups, peer-to-peer shared housing and public events.
There are no consumer protection laws that regulate all of these consumer transactions. It’s best to contact each business directly to resolve these difficult situations.
Reporting violations
If you come across price gouging, scam products or other unconscionable behavior, or if you have questions about cancelling your travel plans, please contact the following resources:
District of Columbia: File a complaint with the attorney general’s Office of Consumer Protection at or email
Maryland: File a complaint with the Maryland Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division at or call its consumer hotline at (410) 528-8662 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection has an online complaint form, too. You can call (240) 777-3636 or email
. Or call the anonymous tip line at (240) 777-3681.
Virginia: Call the Virginia Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection at (800) 552-9963 or email
. Its website offers complaint forms for price gouging or general complaints.
Eric Friedman is the director of the Montgomery County, Maryland Office of Consumer Protection.