Chronically ill can get Medicare home care

Colin Campbell needs help dressing, bathing and moving between his bed and his wheelchair. He has a feeding tube because his partially paralyzed tongue makes swallowing “almost impossible,” he said.
Campbell, 58, spends $4,000 a month on home healthcare services so he can continue to live in his home just outside Los Angeles. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or “Lou Gehrig’s disease,” which relentlessly attacks the nerve cells in his brain and spinal cord and has no cure.
The former computer systems manager has Medicare coverage because of his disability, but no fewer than 14 home healthcare providers have told him he can’t use it to pay for their services.
Companies reluctant to cover
That’s an incorrect but common belief. Medicare does cover home care services for patients who qualify, but incentives intended to combat fraud and reward high quality care are driving some home health agencies to avoid taking on long-term patients such as Campbell, who have debilitating conditions that won’t get better, according to advocates for seniors and the home care industry.
Rule changes that took effect in January could make the problem worse. The rule states that agencies can no longer unilaterally decide to discharge a patient, and a doctor must agree to the discharge.
“While meant to protect patients, we are concerned that agencies will have less incentive, beyond low payments and quality ratings, to begin serving a patient who has long-term chronic needs if they believe they may have difficulty discharging them, particularly as reimbursement diminishes over time,” said Kathleen Holt, an attorney and associate director of the Center for Medicare Advocacy, a nonprofit, nonpartisan law firm. The group is considering legal action against the government.
Federal law requires Medicare to pay indefinitely for home care — with no copayments or deductibles — if a doctor ordered it and patients can leave home only with great difficulty.
They must need intermittent nursing, physical therapy or other skilled care that only a trained professional can provide. Those who qualify can also receive an aide’s help with dressing, bathing and other daily activities. The combined services are limited to 35 hours a week.
Patients do not need to show improvement, despite common beliefs to the contrary. Medicare affirmed this policy in 2013, when it settled a key lawsuit brought by the Center for Medicare Advocacy and Vermont Legal Aid.
In that case, the government agreed that Medicare covers skilled nursing and therapy services — including those delivered at home — to maintain a patient’s abilities or to prevent or slow decline. It also agreed to inform providers, bill auditors and others that a patient’s improvement is not a condition for coverage.
Incorrect agency information
Campbell said some home healthcare agencies told him Medicare would pay only for rehabilitation, “with the idea of getting you better and then leaving,” he said.
They told him that Medicare would not pay them if he didn’t improve, he said. Other agencies told him Medicare simply did not cover home healthcare.
Medicaid, the federal-state program for low-income adults and families, also covers home healthcare and other home services, but Campbell doesn’t qualify for it.
Securing Medicare coverage for home health services requires persistence, said John Gillespie, whose mother has gone through five home care agencies since she was diagnosed with ALS in 2014.
He successfully appealed Medicare’s decision denying coverage, and afterward Medicare paid for his mother’s visiting nurse as well as speech and physical therapy.
“You have to have a good doctor, and people who will help fight for you to get the right company,” said Gillespie, of Orlando, Fla. “Do not take no for an answer.”
Yet a Medicare official did not acknowledge any access problems. “A patient can continue to receive Medicare home health services as long as he/she remains eligible for the benefit,” said spokesman Johnathan Monroe.
But a leading industry group contends that Medicare’s home healthcare policies are often misconstrued.
“One of the myths in Medicare is that chronically ill individuals are not qualified for coverage,” said William Dombi, president of the National Association for Home Care and Hospice, which represents nearly half of the nation’s 12,000 home care providers.
Some legitimate concerns
Part of the problem is that some agencies fear they won’t be paid if they take on patients who need their services for a long time, Dombi said.
Such cases can attract the attention of Medicare auditors who can deny payments if they believe the patient is not eligible or they suspect billing fraud. Rather than risk not getting paid, some home health agencies “stay under the radar” by taking on fewer Medicare patients who need long-term care, Dombi said.
And they may have a good reason to be concerned. Medicare officials have found that about a third of the agency’s payments to home health companies in the fiscal year ending last September were improper.
Shortages of home health aides in some areas might also lead an overburdened agency to focus on those who need care for only a short time, Dombi said.
Another factor that may have a negative effect on chronically ill patients is Medicare’s Home Health Compare ratings website, The site includes grades on patient improvement, such as whether a client got better at walking with an agency’s help.
That effectively tells agencies who want top ratings “to go to patients who are susceptible to improvement,” Dombi said.
This year, some home care agencies will earn more than just ratings. Under a Medicare pilot program, home health firms in nine states will start receiving payment bonuses for providing good care, and those who don’t will pay penalties. Some criteria used to measure performance depend on patient improvement, Holt said.
Another new rule, which took effect in January, prohibits agencies from discontinuing services for Medicare and Medicaid patients without a doctor’s order. But that, too, could backfire.
“This is good,” Holt said. “But our concern is that some agencies might hesitate to take patients if they don’t think they can easily discharge them.”
Kaiser Health News,, is a nonprofit news service covering health issues. This article was written with the support of a journalism fellowship from New America Media, the Gerontological Society of America and the Silver Century Foundation.